OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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Washington AND Toronto will both get destroyed by Atlanta doesn't matter.
We'll see, b.  We'll see. 
Washington AND Toronto will both get destroyed by Atlanta doesn't matter.
I'll believe it when I see it.

Don't let the regular season gas you. They aren't any more battle tested than either squad. No reason to believe they'll definitively beat ANYONE besides the trash *** team they're playing now.
Someone reminded wall and beam they were NBA players I see
Step 1. Fire Dwayne Casey. Step 2. Get rid of Terrence Ross. Step 3. Trick someone into overpaying for Demar. Step 4. Draft RJ Hunter.
Are there only THREE playoff series worth watching?

Clips/SAS- if the clips can beat the champs. I want to see Kawahi take out CP3
GSW/NOLA- AD/Curry individual games and Oracle loud factor
Chi/Mil- just to see how Rose plays
Aint no way any of yall saw this coming from the Toronto Wiz series 

Losing first 2 games at home tho:smh:

Seent it. Kinda obvious. Toronto is a team built for the regular season. They have slumped down the stretch, their best 2 player have been banged up, and their only real strength is the bench.

That gets equalized in the postseason where rotations are shorter.
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