Official 2016 Boxing Thread: 11/5/2016 - Vargas/Pacquiao Top Rank PPV.

RJJ is so stubborn that I fear he might actually get himself killed in the ring before he'll stop.
Am I the only one that sees a bit of Kelly Pavlik in Joe Smith?

Tall, rangy, solid jab, and a POWERFUL Right hand.
Actually looks like the last 2-3 punched didn't land. First angle.

This is actually the best angle, looks like none of the final punches did anything significant aside from help Hopkins continue to sit his way between the ropes onto his head.

That 1,2 put him right to sleep. Must suck to train all that time just to get ko'd in the first.
I would need to go back and look but I remember feeling like Cotto's normal style was "off" when he was with Diaz.
I would need to go back and look but I remember feeling like Cotto's normal style was "off" when he was with Diaz.

Off as in not throwing his left hook? He's been like that for years and did not bring it back until he fought Delving Rodriguez. Against Mayweather, I think the game plan was great and Cotto did as good as his abilities allowed him to. Trout's style was just all wrong for Cotto, I don't think I've seen him picked apart systematically like that.
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Well, the Delvin right was his first after leaving Pedro.

Like I said, I'd need to go back and look though. Just seemed like he wasn't playing to his strengths for a bit.
Looking forward to Pedraza/Davis in Jan.

Verdejo quietly returning in Feb.

Got me to thinking about Pritchard Colon. Last I heard they were going to try to get him out the his coma. Wonder how he's doing.

Also kind of sad that Terrell Williams hasn't fought since they met as well.
Well he kept throwing and landing rabbit punches, so he was a big part of the problem to say the least
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