gonna try and offload freeman to the dude who just lost woodhead, i was thinking of offering him freeman for demarcco and travis kelce
Gordon has saved me so far.

I got Stewart and Charles. :smh:

Hope to land Whittaker this week, otherwise I'm super thin until Charles comes back.
My boy is a Vikings fan and he's been trying to trade me Odell for AP since the draft. I'm set at WR and only have AP, Matt Jones, Crowell at RB so I wasn't trying to make that deal. Im watching the game at his house last night and they showed his 9 carries for12 yards during halftime. I start talking **** and my boy tells me to make the trade. So we made the trade at halftime and the AP gets hurt. My trade gets vetoed because people think we made th deal after the injury :smh:
Second year in the league, OL not decimated by injury (yet), tore it up in preseason. I don't know what there wasn't to like.

Folks put too  much stock into what a guy did in the previous season sometimes. That's why it's a new year.

Fell to me all the way in the 7th. In a keeper league? I'm salivating.
Been told meniscus options Adrian Peterson & #Vikings are weighing: partial repair & minimum 4 wk layup, or full repair w/ min 4 month layup

Peterson also weighing impact of meniscus surgery on career. Full repair now could give him a few more yrs. Partial repair is risky
I have woodhead and AP 

Only RBs I have now are Lamar Miller and Tevin Coleman 
Im gonna unload Ingram and Freeman whether it's thru trade or FA. Looking to trade them to those with injured RBs

Can't believe I drafted them in the 2nd and 3rd round. This is the worst season I've probably had in fantasy ever and it's already week 2. Not to mention I have Hilton and Tate as my WRs.

What teir WRs can I get for a Ingram or Freeman?
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that Rodgers INT cost me this week, my team wet the bed.

brown, green, gurley :x

its only week 2 though so no need to worry. I do have sims and McKinnon in this league so hopefully that'll help me. I almost dropped McKinnon for c mike too
I will attemot to trade for Gurley while that stock is low and hes been sucking. Rams schedule isnt bad and Keenum wasnt horrible vs Seattle
Somebody in my league has abdullah, foster, n rawls...tryna see if i kan take jordy away from him for ingram n torre smith, long shot but hes gonna need rbs n i kan prolly package a different deal

Also, would yall take fitz for charles?
Happy I ended up with CJ, Zeke, Deangelo, and Gore. Still have 2 starters when Bell gets back, and wait for him to get hurt and throw Deangelo back in for Zeke.
2 part question regarding Fozzy Whittaker:

2 diff leagues:

League 1:
Should I burn my #1 waiver priority for Fozzy:

RB - Lamar, Woodhead, Gio, Ware, Christine Michael, Ivory, Tevin Coleman
WR - Watkins, Landry, Cooks, Hilton, John Brown, Lockett, Cruz

Leaning towards no for League 1 since I think I should be able to manage w/ these flex guys I have and think I should hold out longer to use this #1 waiver

League 2 (12 team league w/ deep bench so this is why I have all these bums b/c waiver is thin):
Should I burn my #2 waiver priority for Fozzy:

RB - Gurley, Gio, Abdullah, Sims, Kenyan Drake, Jalen Richard, Jordan Howard, McFadden
WR - Landry, Cobb, Marvin Jones, Michael Thomas, Eddie Royal, Dontrelle Inman, Kamar Aiken

This team is in shambles since I lost Keenan and Gurley has been slow.
Alright so I can use some advice -

Stewart, Rawls, Sims and Riddick are my current RBs. I plan to put in a claim for McKinnon and drop Garcon. Edit: Completely forgot I have Ivory too :lol: what's his deal??

Do I want to try and trade for Gurley? I was thinking about letting Dez go (for a top RB), or I can hold onto him and hope for the best if I land McKinnon.

*1 point PPR*
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