wade playing with a renewed intensity and its beautiful to watch. dragic has shown much effort THIS SERIES as well. but we've got to find a way to get mcbob on jv if whiteside is out. and we need joe johnson out of his funk. 0 of 8 is unacceptable for a player of his caliber. deng is making stupid mistakes with the ball, namely anything involving passing. but the two that got me today was in the 4th when he cut to the basket, wade passed him the ball, but deng wasn't even looking for a pass. why take an open cut to the basket if u dont want the ball? and then the play before that, someone passed deng the ball at the top of the 3, dude did a heso and blowby WITHOUT CATCHING THE BALL FIRST. literally just missed the catch and left the ball. what. the. ****.

lowry has found his stroke. we need to lock it up all game otherwise we'll get buried just between him and jv. time for some clutch adjustments. heres hoping for the best.
Phenomenal game from Wade... gone to waste. :smh:

Johnson needs to hit shots man. Luol has been questionable as well with his decision making. So many little things lol. We could easily be up 3-0
The Heat seem to be coasting a bit during these games. No sense of urgency. I want to see all out hustle. Whoever is in the game, go all out. Keep it simple and play their game.
Composure and throw caution to the wind. Play with passion and let the skill follow suit naturally.

Haven't seen Wade play this well since the Lebron era, amazing!!

Gotta cherish these big games from Wade. Other than that, our offense is trash haha. JJ and Deng have provided nothing. And I agree, it's frustrating to watch Spo not trust any of his players and giving Tyler a shot. His rotations have been confusing, and I'm a Spo fan. Richardson has completely lost his shot now and strictly in for defense. Dragic has played well. If Derozan was a competent 2nd option, we would be done...

It was a great win but if Whiteside is out for the playoffs (which I wouldn't blame him, he's about to hit the jackpot next year) not sure if it's worth playing the Cavs. With the way Cavs are playing, it might be a sweep. This is assuming Whiteside is out. Just being a realist...
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Haven't seen Wade play this well since the Lebron era, amazing!!

Gotta cherish these big games from Wade. Other than that, our offense is trash haha. JJ and Deng have provided nothing. And I agree, it's frustrating to watch Spo not trust any of his players and giving Tyler a shot. His rotations have been confusing, and I'm a Spo fan. Richardson has completely lost his shot now and strictly in for defense. Dragic has played well. If Derozan was a competent 2nd option, we would be done...

It was a great win but if Whiteside is out for the playoffs (which I wouldn't blame him, he's about to hit the jackpot next year) not sure if it's worth playing the Cavs. With the way Cavs are playing, it might be a sweep. This is assuming Whiteside is out. Just being a realist...
if we play the cavs with whiteside out, we'll be smashed and there will be nothing but "what if" talks. its a sprain not a tear. top of the line treatment and he can be back within 2 weeks which should be just in time for the series. SHOULD. but without whiteside, love's bum *** would feast down low. mcrob certainly can't stop him. delly would most likely try to injure wade out of frustration. kyrie would feast on dragic offensively.  sans bosh and whiteside we definitely at a strong disadvantage
Whiteside is only thinking about his 100 million right now. He doesn't strike me as a competitor so sitting is definitely in play.
Whiteside is only thinking about his 100 million right now. He doesn't strike me as a competitor so sitting is definitely in play.
I mean, can you blame him tho?!

Its easy for all of us on our couches to question his competitiveness & loyalty to the team and to play through injuries. But if you had over $100 million coming your way GUARANTEED and only thing preventing that is your health, you would be lying to say otherwise.

It's going to be Whiteside's first big payday, can't really fault him for not playing
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