Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

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remember it. you still think its 2012 ... this team is far superior to the 2012 squad, not even debatable. kendrick perkins was they starting center and russ and kd are in they prime while lebron is out his prime. how you cannot see that is beyond me. 

I'm ready to argue that this cavs team is better ANDDD younger than the 2012 heat squad too. Lemme ask you this, outside of KD and Russ, who else could give you at least 20 on OKC. Now ask yourself who else on the Cavs could give you 20 outside of Lebron and Kyrie on the Cavs.....yep.
OKC defense this postseason >>>>> don't matter who can score 20 in Cleveland.. Cause they won't b
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If Curry is hurt, he's hurt. The losses still count, its not like you get a do over. Would rather have a healthy Curry win for the finals rematch..
Will be the greatest run in history easily, no team has had to face two teams as good as the Spurs and Warriors in their conference and the Cavs in the Finals.


Unbelievable what they are doing. Taking out two 60+ win teams , damn near 2 70 win teams at that. That's why I was shocked when i came in here after the game and dudes were acting like this was a "gift wrap championship" for Bron. Two superstars > One and Kyrie, nor K Love are superstars like how D Wade was when they first played.

With all that said though, i'm STILL confident the Warriors can do this. If any team can come back from 3-1, it's them. Just gotta take it a game at a time. Game 5 should be a for sure win and then the pressure is really on OKC to close out in 6.
I'm ready to argue that this cavs team is better ANDDD younger than the 2013 heat squad too. Lemme ask you this, outside of KD and Russ, who else could give you at least 20 on OKC. Now ask yourself who else on the Cavs could give you 20 outside of Lebron and Kyrie on the Cavs.....yep.
everyone been stepping up. theyve feasted on arguably the best defensive team in the spurs with defensive player of the year kawhi but they going to struggle against the cavs . cmon now .
okc is locked in on defense and out rebounding everyone.
. cavs are struggling against the raptors with luis scola starting. cavs defense isnt really good. adams and kanters are going to feast against the cavs. 

While I definitely agree here Lebron still has a little mojo of always taking out KD. Also they could get hot again from 3 and find their shots and they have a better inside game than GSW. Home court can help but all that being said OKC has a determination in their eyes that champions have and Russ is finally the player he's always needed to be with the smart decisions he's making. As much as I want Bron to win I think it's finally Russ and KDs time and I'm happy for them. Two of those most authentic ball players in the league.
Center play has been atrocious.


Dubs need to pursue Howard in the off-season.


Lol he would be a much better option than what they have now.
I thought Steph was back? Didn't he say so during a game?

Now we wanna talk about luck? Warriors fans were livid when Doc said every championship run has a bit of luck to it :lol:

Steph should sit out game 5 if he's hurt.

You don't sit out when hurt, you sit out when injured.

I don't think Curry is injured, I think he is probably hurt. Again, I do not think that is why they are losing.

And why would someone say he was hurt when he played great? That would have been nonsensical; plus as I said before he could have been feeling better on those games and his health has since deteriorated. Regardless, I don't see GS getting out of this hole. If the games were close then I'd have faith in the champs but OKC has crushed them
These look like the exact same shots & layups that he's converted for the past 80+ games before last night.

Was he injured last year in game 2 against Dellavedova too?
Or does he occasionally have games where he misses shots like every other player in the history of the league?
That first three 

See, thats the type of stuff these old heads hate on. All kinds of illogical but he usually makes it. But when he doesn't, all them dudes are like "I told you.."
If Curry is hurt, he's hurt. The losses still count, its not like you get a do over. Would rather have a healthy Curry win for the finals rematch..

Really, Draymond over the past two games has been the worse thing for GSW.

His playmaking and defense are just gone.
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This dude can see the future
Channing ******* Frye has virtually made the guy dispensable. He's not doing anything on the block or at the rim. Tough site to see. They're damn near throwing away possessions when they choose to post him. MAJOR regression by Love.

Zach Lowe pointed out that PnRs defended by he & Kyrie rank dead last in the league in points per possession. So he's just killing them all around when he isn't making threes.

When players succeed, it is the brilliance of the coach... But when they fail, it is the players fault. Did I do that right?
only thing that makes me suspect anything is he cant shake adams or other big men , like really this dude shakes chris paul and any kawhi couldnt stay in front of him but he cant shake big men but either way no excuses. okc bigs are just punking gs. gs front line looking weak and small. 
Adams doesn't care if he gets blown by, he's just refusing to give Curry the 3 buckles down around the arc area.
I'm here, I'm hurt lol.
Also a friendly reminder that the Cavs spent 190 million for Thompson and Love to sit on the bench in the 4th q of the ECF in favor of Channing Frye.
Steph looks fine out there, he's just having bad games. That's all it is. If he was showing signs of being hurt I could give him a pass but he's not. He lit up Portland and told everybody he back, so it what is is. He's the goat shooter, back to back MVP winner, it's time he's hold at that standard. Bad games happen to everybody.

Durant is doing his thing on defense. Dude is finally using that wingspan.

The golden boy, great head coach Steve Kerr is getting outdone too.
Draymond is the reason they're getting their *** kicked... 

he's the real MVP of the team.... nobody wants to hear that though 
I'm just waiting for the reports to come out that Draymond actually injured his foot kicking Adams in the balls.
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