Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

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  • San Antonio Spurs

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  • OKC Thunder

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  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Toronto Raptors

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  • Miami Heat

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Chester turned into Zester for a second.

Why wouldn't he? Look at the stuff people hate Bron for, Jordan is significantly worse, known bad tipper, baby out of wetlock, 2 **** bag sons 1 of whom is literally caught out there on twitter propositioning prostitutes because he doesn't know how to DM, he'd get roasted to Bolivia. There is no off limits. Look at how In this thread alone we go at guys' moms, and families over the tiniest thing, Curry's mom barely made contact with another dude and it has been open season, like people think nobody but their own pops ever side quarter hugged their moms before.
I don't know if Mike would have been a villain, but you can't underestimate the factor of being able to see one's douche acts and tendencies as opposed to be told about them. It just has a different effect, I think he would have not been in quite the golden light he was in.
You act like he didn't have haters

Guys like Chamillionaire called him out for being an Uncle Tom in the current age, and guess what, none of his sales took a hit
He still selling shoes like hotcakes

Everyone knows Jordan is a scumbag, but they don't care enough that they won't buy his stuff

lol not quite the most influential individual. altho, most people dont know the story which really paints MJ in a terrible light. u say everyone knows hes a scumbag but that is pretty far from the truth. PRETTY far. we know about it cuz of the internet and write ups etc etc but id venture to say most of his fans who watched his whole career weren't exactly pouring over the net to see how he was off the court. and sneakerheads today rarely even like sports enough to look into the player they support. Jordans are popular because of the status, not because they believe Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever.
forum post on mj from 96:

Michael Jordan is not the best player to play game. In fact he was always
an overatted player. The only reason his PPG was so high was he is such
a BALLHOG. He is always taking contested double team shots insted of
passing to open teammates. Sure he hit a couple of great shots to win
series(Cleavland), but if he wasn't such a BALLHOG he wouldn't had to
take the game winning shots. This year just proves my point, his first
game back he takes 30 SHOTS???? Come on, he isn't that good, if anyone
should have been taking 30 shots that game, it should have been Reggie
Miller. He may have won three championships, but the 3 teams the Bulls
beat weren't that great. The Lakers were at the end of their Showtime
era and without Kareem and with Vlade when they were beet by the bulls.
The Portland Trail Blazers were show-stoppers either, the best team they
may have beaten was Phoenix. I would have liked to seen them beat some of
the Celtic, Laker, and Piston teams of the 1980's in finals.

**** could damn near be a post from 2016

Gautam Mar 29 1990, 5:20 pm:

Scottie Pippen and John Paxson seem to be the only Bulls'
players who don't look towards Jordan before taking a shot themselves !
It seems to me that Jordan intimidates his teammates more than he
intimidates his opponents. That is prob the biggest difference
between Magic and Jordan !
Why is it that guys like Orlando
Woolridge, James Edwards .. . start playing well when they play
for the Lakers/Pistons/Celts while decent/good prospects rarely pan
out for the Bulls ? [Ed Lor recently posted an excellent article on
this issue]. The Bulls lack a player who can get the
whole team involved in the game.
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Mike would not be loved today like he was back then. Back then more sports fans had sense and it was way less haters. More fans had perspective. People criticized Jordan until he started winning titles then they gave him his full credit.

Man if Jordan came up in the social media and hater generation... :lol:

Through his first 7 years the hate would come. For his commercials, "He hasn't earned those commercials" "He's overrated". People would be saying "Oh he think he Dr. J" "Oh the Pistons own him" "The Pistons punk him all the time". " He's selfish" "He don't make teammates better"

People would say all that. Then when he won people would do exactly what they do to athelets now. Nitpick and discredit their accomplishments. This hater generation are haters for life. They don't bend or give credit. :lol:

"He can't win w/o Phil and Pippen" "He pushed off. The refs love him. The NBA wants him to win."


He would still have his big fans but universally loved like this? I can't see it. It would be just like with Kobe and Lebron.
you underestimate how much people love to hate. This is nothing new that just popped off. People been having since jesus days...
The internet existed in 96. Not to mention, everything people give him credit for (the turnaround for example), MJ admitted he stole from David Thompson and patterned his whole game after. Why David Thompson don't got no sneakers?
I don't know if Mike would have been a villain, but you can't underestimate the factor of being able to see one's douche acts and tendencies as opposed to be told about them. It just has a different effect, I think he would have not been in quite the golden light he was in.
I can dig it.

Because no one is as popular as Mike was anymore, and Magic before him. Sure, they had detractors, but they were mostly adored.

No one is mostly adored anymore. There are 'liked' and 'kinda liked' and 'tolerated' and 'blasted' I'm saying that even with the levels, Mike would be at the top of it all now just as them. And DMC would have fit right in back then where he fits in right now.
Its more than the internet people are talking about its social media and even then more people have access to the internet today than they did in 96
forum post on mj from 96:

Michael Jordan is not the best player to play game. In fact he was always
an overatted player. The only reason his PPG was so high was he is such
a BALLHOG. He is always taking contested double team shots insted of
passing to open teammates. Sure he hit a couple of great shots to win
series(Cleavland), but if he wasn't such a BALLHOG he wouldn't had to
take the game winning shots. This year just proves my point, his first
game back he takes 30 SHOTS???? Come on, he isn't that good, if anyone
should have been taking 30 shots that game, it should have been Reggie
Miller. He may have won three championships, but the 3 teams the Bulls
beat weren't that great. The Lakers were at the end of their Showtime
era and without Kareem and with Vlade when they were beet by the bulls.
The Portland Trail Blazers were show-stoppers either, the best team they
may have beaten was Phoenix. I would have liked to seen them beat some of
the Celtic, Laker, and Piston teams of the 1980's in finals.

**** could damn near be a post from 2016

Gautam Mar 29 1990, 5:20 pm:

Scottie Pippen and John Paxson seem to be the only Bulls'
players who don't look towards Jordan before taking a shot themselves !
It seems to me that Jordan intimidates his teammates more than he
intimidates his opponents. That is prob the biggest difference
between Magic and Jordan !
Why is it that guys like Orlando
Woolridge, James Edwards .. . start playing well when they play
for the Lakers/Pistons/Celts while decent/good prospects rarely pan
out for the Bulls ? [Ed Lor recently posted an excellent article on
this issue]. The Bulls lack a player who can get the
whole team involved in the game.
this is comedy gold 
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Maaaaaan....the social media pics of guys like Mike/Iverson being in Foxwoods at 3am w/ a 1pm tip at MSG would be legendary. All we got is word of mouth from back in their day. Yall are tripping if you don't think Mike's brand wouldn't have taken a hit.

For as much as we clown Lebron, he's kept his nose clean off the court...which is admirable. All the hiccups generally involve his mom :smh:
The internet existed in 96. Not to mention, everything people give him credit for (the turnaround for example), MJ admitted he stole from David Thompson and patterned his whole game after. Why David Thompson don't got no sneakers?
the internet existed but everyone wasn't constantly plugged in like they are now.
I became a Bulls fan when I was a youngster watchin MJ and been one ever hurts man......bad :lol: I might have to disavow like I did w/ the Cowboys though, front office making dumb moves year after year and it aint helping.
Yep drafting Teague, Snell, trading up for McBuckets really is setting this franchise back. After this year, I really have to take a step back from the team. It was getting too painful to watch. Since I was born in '93, I really didn't get to witness the Jordan era. So that 2011 team was the closest I've ever seen this team go. I though we were gonna win at least one with D.Rose. What if man, what if?? :smh: :smh: :smh:

C'mon fam, outside of Draymond Green who should we have picked that year over Teague?

We missed on Tony Snell I'll admit that.

Trading up for McBuckets wasn't that bad of a move considering we really need some outside shooting on the wing. He definitely showed flashes this season when he got consistent playing time.

Expecting our boy DRose to make a fully recover is what put us in our current position. We didn't plan ahead, we didn't address the wing, we didn't address the frontcourt with a reliable scorer and we never solidified our bench after the MOB.

That's what set us back.
It all comes down to winning. Period. It's why Lebron takes so much heat. If he was 4-2 or 5-1 in the finals no one would say **** because that's what people want. Ball hog or not once Mike started winning chips he never stopped. Same way people completely forgot about Kobe raping someone once they started being a title threat every year again. Winning always changes the narrative. That's why GSW taking it so hard right now. People were making it like they were about to run the league in the West like the Heat just did in the East and now that's coming to a crashing halt. The only way they get past this slander is by winning the chip. No other way. If not 73 wins is a "good" accomplishment.
Teams up 3-1 on the road in the conference finals only win game 5 41% of the time but have won 90% of those series.
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Russ outchea singing Trapped in the Closet word for word. There's no wrong he can do.
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