Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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word, my homie loves bron. and he'll argue with me til he's blue in the face about how great bron is.

him and my other homie the other day were clowning me for being a laker fan. They said 'you're a laker fan even now?' ( meaning because they suck why would I root for them, that corny front runner mentality that bron fans have. I'm like, what do you mean? why would i not be? then my other dude was like bruh, he's a fan of the team, he's not a fan of just singular players like us.

I think thats the mindset of a lot of 'fans'. they just rock with players, so they can really root for whoever, and it doesnt affect them if the player jumps from team to team. In fact, they probably like it because it will give them more chances to get apparel and give the player more chances to win.

these guys also hate steph and the warriors lol.

Personally, unless they're playing the Kings, I'll almost always cheer for LeBron, KD, Westbrook, and Ray Allen (back when he was still in the league). They're just amazing players who I think are fun to watch so it's nice to see them succeed.

i can dig that. I'm a laker fan for life. heart is purple and gold. but i do like other players/teams in the L, of course, I'm a basketball fan. So I like watching the warriors/thunder/wolves/pistons etc. And when my team is down, I have no prob adopting interim squads to help me get through the post season. I just thin, as a fan, it's more fun and enjoyable watching when you have some reminiscence of a vested interest in the outcome. I will say though, although I like these other squads, I'm only emotionally attached to the lakeshow. So when they lose, it means nothing to me. If the dubs lose tonight, I won't feel anything for the team itself. I'll feel bad I can't continue watching them play as it entertains me, but I won't care about them actually losing. Same if they win a chip. I realized this last year. I rooted for them all throught the playoffs, and had them winning the chip when asked about it in February. but when they won, I felt nothing. I mean it was cool. I loved that they beat bron. I actually got more satisfaction out of bron losing than them winning lmaooo. Hate, Hate, Hate...hahahah. But yea. I grew up watching the Lakers, that's family. This is actually a new feel for me being able to root for other squads in the same conference. When my team was actually in contention I would've never done that. I would only like a team in the East (Bulls). But with my guys down I've been able to actually enjoy everybody else which I guess has been cool. I didn't even watch any other teams play, unless it was against the Lakers.

I couldn't imagine not having a team to root for though. How could you root for just a player? player careers are so finite and unpredictable. I mean I love Kobe as much as the next fan..but it's still Purple & Gold, whether he's dressed or not.
Oh yea I've had dudes say "I'm a fan of lebron, not the team" so they jumped from Cavs-Heat-Cavs

I know theres no written law about it but I just can't respect that

I'm also a Lakers fan we're trash right now but you don't give up on a team over a few horrible seasons :smh:

I became a Bulls fan when I was a youngster watchin MJ and been one ever hurts man......bad :lol: I might have to disavow like I did w/ the Cowboys though, front office making dumb moves year after year and it aint helping.
If Curry went to the Kings to play with his brother Seth how many of y'all would be Kings fans? 

To prove being the cousin of local legend Joe Mauer doesn't mean you're biased, the best plan is to T up the Minnesota-based basketball team 5 times straight and merge your savings account with the outcome of the Spurs ML. 0_0 0_o
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Mike would not be loved today like he was back then. Back then more sports fans had sense and it was way less haters. More fans had perspective. People criticized Jordan until he started winning titles then they gave him his full credit.

Man if Jordan came up in the social media and hater generation... :lol:

Through his first 7 years the hate would come. For his commercials, "He hasn't earned those commercials" "He's overrated". People would be saying "Oh he think he Dr. J" "Oh the Pistons own him" "The Pistons punk him all the time". " He's selfish" "He don't make teammates better"

People would say all that. Then when he won people would do exactly what they do to athelets now. Nitpick and discredit their accomplishments. This hater generation are haters for life. They don't bend or give credit. :lol:

"He can't win w/o Phil and Pippen" "He pushed off. The refs love him. The NBA wants him to win."


He would still have his big fans but universally loved like this? I can't see it. It would be just like with Kobe and Lebron.
Mike would not be loved today like he was back then. Back then more sports fans had sense and it was way less haters. More fans had perspective. People criticized Jordan until he started winning titles then they gave him his full credit.

Man if Jordan came up in the social media and hater generation... :lol:

Through his first 7 years the hate would come. For his commercials, "He hasn't earned those commercials" "He's overrated". People would be saying "Oh he think he Dr. J" "Oh the Pistons own him" "The Pistons punk him all the time". " He's selfish" "He don't make teammates better"

People would say all that. Then when he won people would do exactly what they do to athelets now. Nitpick and discredit their accomplishments. This hater generation are haters for life. They don't bend or give credit. :lol:

"He can't win w/o Phil and Pippen" "He pushed off. The refs love him. The NBA wants him to win."


He would still have his big fans but universally loved like this? I can't see it. It would be just like with Kobe and Lebron.

It's the slander generation. Ppl be in the cut patiently waiting for the ammo. Curry has been flawless up until this series but now the sharks are coming out...even for him.
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I became a Bulls fan when I was a youngster watchin MJ and been one ever hurts man......bad :lol: I might have to disavow like I did w/ the Cowboys though, front office making dumb moves year after year and it aint helping.
Yep drafting Teague, Snell, trading up for McBuckets really is setting this franchise back. After this year, I really have to take a step back from the team. It was getting too painful to watch. Since I was born in '93, I really didn't get to witness the Jordan era. So that 2011 team was the closest I've ever seen this team go. I though we were gonna win at least one with D.Rose. What if man, what if?? :smh: :smh: :smh:
Mike would not be loved today like he was back then. Back then more sports fans had sense and it was way less haters. More fans had perspective. People criticized Jordan until he started winning titles then they gave him his full credit.

Man if Jordan came up in the social media and hater generation...

Through his first 7 years the hate would come. For his commercials, "He hasn't earned those commercials" "He's overrated". People would be saying "Oh he think he Dr. J" "Oh the Pistons own him" "The Pistons punk him all the time". " He's selfish" "He don't make teammates better"

People would say all that. Then when he won people would do exactly what they do to athelets now. Nitpick and discredit their accomplishments. This hater generation are haters for life. They don't bend or give credit.

"He can't win w/o Phil and Pippen" "He pushed off. The refs love him. The NBA wants him to win."


He would still have his big fans but universally loved like this? I can't see it. It would be just like with Kobe and Lebron.
There were stars that people didn't like back then, though.

And then there was Mike.

And there are stars that are well liked today, and then there are villains.

The reason Mike wasn't liked isn't because Twitter didn't exist yet.

Twitter didn't exist yet, but there were still villains.

And Twitter hasn't made EVERYONE a villain today.

Despite the increased ability to tap into their lives, there are still stars who are well liked today, and despite the lack of ability to tap into their lives back then, there were still villains.

Assuming Jordan would be a villain today if he was in this super social media era is just as faulty as assuming DMC would be way more liked if he came through in the 70s or something.
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