Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

beautiful tank win .
big boy pants of the day goes hornacek.
team melted down into manure last 5 minutes. a nice smooth nutty consistency.
they locked us up and made everything uncomfortable. couldnt even get a clean look. those the type of possesions where the defense is like "oh thank god he shot that".

great start to the tailspin.
lets get a couple games under .500 to finally climb in and close the hatch on this tank,

throw the damn towel. these dudes was hurried and scurried. KP doing his best Melo impression just disgusts me. Enes gonna break down by mid January at this rate.
and I told yall bout C Lee. He's a solid solid player, but we're not putting him into position to succeed. We are asking way way way too much of him. Hes not a playmaker.
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