Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

With each game it's more and more glaring how limited offensively Kp is

I don't agree with that at all. His conditioning may be an issue down the stretch, but he's definitely not offensively limited. He showed at the start of this season that he has the ability to score on drives and face ups consistently. Settling for the fall aways is an issue with him being tired or maybe even playing lazy imo, but the skillset is there.

To amend that, it's also related to where he is getting the ball. But KP isn't exhibiting constant offball movement either, which again I think is a conditioning problem. I can only imagine how many free baskets he'd earn if he were running around like Klay, but there are size limitations too I guess.
I can't come up with a swear word to describe my mood.

Why is Kanter never on in clutch time? He's money if he ever gets it down low. **** Horny that dumb ****.
knicks the same knicks team down the stretch... it doesnt matter the roster same disappointment every year
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