Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

You guys watch a lot of basketball I'll give you that. I have not seen one of these college kids play :lol: and guys here are able to follow each game in addition to other NBA teams and schedules.
You guys watch a lot of basketball I'll give you that. I have not seen one of these college kids play :lol: and guys here are able to follow each game in addition to other NBA teams and schedules.
Nah I’m right there with you

I watch zero college ball
College sports don’t entertain me in the slightest

I just stay glued to any lottery prospect the Knicks have a shot at
Mudiay for sure is trash. In the league for 3 years and this the garbage you display while others would kill for the opportunity u have.
This kid Frank really is a smaller Lance Thomas. **** Derozan he needs to watch AI and Kobe videos. How you play 32 minutes and take 4 shots.
Just 32 and 12 right? :smh:
Never said he was bad, just overrated. All this recent talk about how he is the Draft's only cant-miss #1 head-above-shoulders prospect to me is bull ****.

You watch him play and he is very impressive but he is a man among boys in college, especially in the Pac-12. Almost all his points come on dunks from lob passes in the paint and put backs, it's not gonna be like that in the NBA. In addition for all his size and athletic gifts, he offers a lot to be desired defensively. He isn't great at guarding bigs on the perimeter despite his athleticism, as seen by Thomas Welsch having his way with him tonight (not that Ayton didn't have his way with him even more but we're talking about Thomas Welsch) and he isn't a great rim protector either.

He's averaging less than 2 BPG compared to Bamba averaging almost 4 and JJJ averages 3.3 in 10 less MPG. Shot blocking is not usually a stat that gets better from college to the pros, it usually gets worse for almost every elite college center. I get very scared by centers who don't protect the rim well (see back to when I hated Okafor in 2015) because You could hide other positions defensively, but it's hard to win basketball games in the NBA without a rim protecting center anchoring your defense in today's penetrating scoring PG era where the PF position has become practically instinct. Not that Ayton is anything close to as bad defensively as Jahil, but it is concerning. You gotta look outside the box score a bit.

I think Ayton will undoubtedly be a very good pro and definitely a top tier center in the NBA but I don't see him really being a player you can build your franchise around without a capped ceiling. Personally, I think Bamba has a higher upside due to him being extremely raw offensively (as is Ayton, admittedly) but having the same kind of potential to step back and hit shots from the perimeter while possessing more length and better defensive instincts. The offense is much easier for a raw player to develop later on than Bamba's kind of defensive ability.

I'd still probably take Ayton #2 in the Draft because his floor is significantly higher than Bamba or JJJ, he's a better defender than Bagley and has more of an established position (definitely can't protect the rim as a 5 and like I said, the true PF is becoming instinct), and MPJ is a risk because of injury, but he's not some kind of physical force the likes of which we have never seen before like he is being hyped up to be. Reminds me a lot of Ewing in terms of their Caribbean routes, physical presence, and shooting ability, but Ewing was a MUCH more dominant defender at Georgetown.

Doncic, on the other hand IS doing things we havent seen before from an 18 year-old prospect. Might not have the best physical tools, but neither did somebody like Ben Simmons, who has a skillset at the same age that resembles Doncic's a lot without the shooting ability Doncic has. Besides, they are able to make up for not being the top of the class athletically with their versatility.

Personally I'd take Doncic's advanced skillset for a 18 year-old with a ton of room still to grow, versatility, and shooting ability over Ayton any day of the week. For the way he has produced this season for Real Madrid I can't even imagine the type of season he would be having for Kentucky or someone. To me, he's really the only "can't miss" prospect in this year's Draft class. I could see him being the best player in the NBA 10 years from now.
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I’d personally take bagley due to his versatility and able to be a perfect compliment to the unicorn if I were to take a big.

Doncic’s issue is lack of upside. But his floor is high.
the gr8est the gr8est

I also have Bamba over Ayton...Mo Bamba's defensive impact is HUGE and his offense is still developing...7'9 wingspan and high motor
Ayton is gonna be good but he's more of a big body in college than anything. Granted, we dont know the full extent of their skillset in college
Can’t take anyone seriously that would take Trae with our pick. There are a plethora of solid prospects in this draft, but y’all want the one with the highest bust potential. What’s the success rate of small scoring guards in the league? AI, Kemba, Steph...anyone else of all star caliber fit the mold?
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