Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

He's in his second year and ballin :lol:

Never be the focal point of an offense?

How do y'all come up with all of the specials clauses and stipulations for everyone know what, nevermind.

Just keep that same energy next season :lol:
IDK man, he's one of the best 2 way players in the game in only his second year.

Went from averaging 6 to 15 ppg in one summer. Shooting 40% from 3 and can lock down your best perimeter player. Him and Tatum are way ahead of schedule and are saving Boston's season along with Rozier.

He's pretty damn good imo. Up there with KP as future MVPs candidates and league leaders.
Eh I’m not sure I see him as the future MVP type. He is really good. But his future is still on the fence between all star and just solid contributor.
IDK man, he's one of the best 2 way players in the game in only his second year.

Went from averaging 6 to 15 ppg in one summer. Shooting 40% from 3 and can lock down your best perimeter player. Him and Tatum are way ahead of schedule and are saving Boston's season along with Rozier.

He's pretty damn good imo. Up there with KP as future MVPs candidates and league leaders.
I like Jaylen Brown alot but this is VERY over the top. Jaylen Brown is good and has alot of upside but calling him "one of the best 2 way players in the game" at this point is crazy. He's not Kawhi just yet. Dude wasn't even close to being considered for the ASG this year, and I'm talking about the reserve spots determined by the coaches.

I think its way too early to tell if he has an all-star trajectory in front of him, let alone an MVP candidate. Not saying he wont, just too early to tell. He's certainly not in KP's tier.

I wouldn't have traded KP for Jaylen/Lonzo/Lauri. Also, it says we would have got the #3 pick. Lonzo went #2 so it probably would have been Taytum unless the Knicks traded up, which would have cost one of our picks. Still Taytum/Jaylen/Lauri still would have been a good haul, especially if we took a PG with the 8th pick (which still likely would have been Frank). Definitely as good of a haul for KP as we could ask for.

Regardless, a player like KP is too rare to trade after his 2nd year. Look how dominant he was to start this season. That is the kind of ceiling KP has and more. And I guarantee that if were on the Celtics this year, Brad Stevens would have found a way to get that kind of production out of him all season. Knicks have enough assets/picks to build up the kind of supporting players around KP if we are patient. It's a lot more likely the Knicks can draft guys like Jaylen or Taytum or whoever than it is we draft another Porzingis. Notice how the Wolves, Nuggets, Sixers, Pelicans don't ever float around Towns/Jokic/Embiid/AD in trade talks. It's because they know how rare those kind of players are and they aren't dysfunctional organizations.

Also, yall are CRAZY with the Phil hate as it relates to this. By all accounts, Phil wanted to trade KP. The organization had to come in and stop him and he was basically fired over it. At the time, fans were FREAKING out at the mere idea of trading KP for anything on draft night. And if KP was on the Celtics and killing it right now, Phil would have never been forgiven.

Now it's "**** Phil" because a trade he probably wanted to make fell through and now yall think it would have been a good move. That's just ridiculous. He wouldn't have even been on the trade block if Phil wasn't such an *******. :lol:

I agree, **** Phil. Just like it's **** Isiah and **** Layden. But there are certain things I'm not gonna **** on them for. I'm not gonna **** on Isiah for drafting David Lee or Nate and I'm not gonna **** on Phil for drafting KP or not trading him last summer.

At the end of the day, Phil was a smug arrogant ******* prick but he got us KP/Frank (missed a first round draft pick 2 of his 4 seasons from trades he didn't make) and put us in position to draft another top 10 player who might really be able to help this team moving forward. Could definitely be worse than that. When Isiah left this team had to basically trade away the entire roster for cap space and try to rebuild without draft picks. We don't need to do that with Phil gone.

Said it a million times, personnel wise Phil wasn't terrible. Certainly wasn't great, but wasn't nearly as bad as Isiah and LAyden were in terms of building the roster. I mean we know about Isiah and Layden traded Sprewell for KVH, Camby (and Nene) for McDyess, gave out huge contracts to Houston, Howard Eisley, and Sannon Anderson, among others. Layden was the only one to tear apart a good team and it's been all downhill from there due to mismanagement (Steve Mills has beenaround for all of that btw).

It was Phil's smug arrogance, refusal to take personal accountability for anything, stubborn insistence to run the triangle, and hiring Fisher then replacing him with Rambis and taking a vacation to Montana in the middle of his next coaching search instead of interviewing the most qualified candidates because he lacked "simpatico" with them, more so than his roster moves that did him in.
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Are y'all watching what the Celtics this postseason ?
Yeah they have a really deep talented team. Jaylen Brown has had flashes and down games. That's why I said he's on the fence. I think he has star potential but he hasn't found consistency yet.

But yeah future MVP seems like a major stretch to me man.
It says alot that the Celtics were even willing to give up that much for KP. It's impossible to run a rebuild better than Danny Ainge has over the past 5 years. Literally the best rebuild I have ever seen, every move worked out flawlessly. Swindling the Nets, hiring Stevens, getting rid of Rondo, getting Isaiah for peanuts and then trading him and a Nets pick (assets they acquired for almost nothing) for Kyrie, drafting Smart/Rozier/Jaylen, trading down from #1 to get the player (Taytum) they bwanted all along at #3. All these moves allowed them to sign Horford and Hayward in free agency because they had cap space and a great team. Literally impossible to run an organization better than Danny Ainge/Brad Stevens have over the past 5 years.

If they were willing to move all of that for KP it's because they knew how special KP is and how stupid Phil was for trying to trade a player like that when he was 21 years old. They saw an opportunity and they tried to take advantage of it like they did with Kyrie.

Brown, Taytum, Lauri, etc. are all nice players, but none of them are KP. Better to keep KP and try to build a team around him with those kind of players than it is to get those kind of players and look for a KP to be the centerpiece.
A team full of 20 year olds about to go to the ECF and they getting shaded from KNICKS FANS :rofl:

Absolutely no shade on the Celtics. They rebuilt their team perfectly after the Big 3, and are an amazing young team. Brad Stevens is an absolute wizard and arguably the best coach in the NBA at this moment. That doesn't mean we should have traded Porzingis to them.

Like I said above, my respect for the Celtics is actually the reason I wouldn't have traded KP more than it's "throwing shade." It means something that Phil wanted to trade KP and the Celtics were willing to throw the house to get him. Phil is a dummy and Danny Ainge is a genius. So I'm glad we didn't get suckered by Danny Ainge like the Nets or Cavs. If KP was balling right now in the ECF, Phil's name would be cursed always and forever in NYC. It would go down as one of the biggest **** ups in Knicks history. That's especially true if some of these stud 20 year olds didn't perform for Jeff Hornacek like they have for Brad Stevens.

Also saying that Jaylen Brown isn't quite yet one of the "best 2-way players in the NBA" or "on an MVP trajectory" isn't throwing shade. It's being realistic. Yall gotta learn what throwing shade is in the same way you have to learn that believing in Frank's potential isn't necessarily overhyping him. Not everything is black or white.
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And being a fan of the Knicks doesn't mean you don't know basketball. It's not like if you're a fan of a good team you know more about basketball than fans of a **** team. There isn't a correlation between the team your heart is invested in and your brain when watching basketball. :lol:
Rooting for the Celtics the rest of the way idc. That team plays exactly how I’d want any Knick roster to perform.

Obviously they’re “supposed to” lose to the Cavs, but you never know with how good they are coached.
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