Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

That article pointed out something that makes no damn sense to me:
Why is so bad for a player to stay in college and develop before going to the league? How is that such a bad thing? When rookies are 19, everyone says wait until he’s 21 before you say he’s trash or whatever. So if you have to wait anyway, why not get more playing time in college instead of potentially being at the end of the bench or in the G League after a season.

So basically we’ll be wildly overpaying a mediocre pg in the near future

We ALWAYS end up picking somwhere between 7 or 9 it seems. I feel like we'll get the #2 pick this year

That article pointed out something that makes no damn sense to me:
Why is so bad for a player to stay in college and develop before going to the league? How is that such a bad thing? When rookies are 19, everyone says wait until he’s 21 before you say he’s trash or whatever. So if you have to wait anyway, why not get more playing time in college instead of potentially being at the end of the bench or in the G League after a season.
Nothing can prepare you for the NBA like the NBA, so someone who transitions to college seamlessly will have more years of development in the top league, more chances to fulfill whatever "potential" they have. Though I do think that the lack of upside in older players is an overstated idea.
Can't necessarily think of an example where players praised a coaching hire to the extent they have with Fixdale, but both the Hornacek and Fisher hirings had alot of backing among fans and media members at the time.

I mean Fisher was universally respected by the basketball community before he left here a broken outcast with a reputation that might prevent NBA teams from ever touching him again, plus he was "Phil's guy." And Hornacek got alot of praise due to being smart, charismatic, and his ability to maximize the Suns teams he coached. Which he actually did MUCH better than Fizdale did during that one year in Memphis, which has been completely blown out of proportion, like he coached a perennial bottom feeder to 50+ wins and not a team coming off 6 consecutive postseason appearances under 2 different coaches to 43 wins.

Phil Jackson, Donnie Walsh, Mike D'Antoni, Larry Brown, Isiah were all universally hailed by the basketball world. Fans and media alike. More so than Fizdale. But I guess those are different since they all were bigger names and came in MUCH more already established than Fizdale.

Again, I hope I'm wrong, I just dont see it and Im not letting myself get worked up again. There are just too many negative signs and nothing positive enough to make me think this is the management team that breaks the cycle. Fizdale, to me, hasn't actually proven **** besides positive word-of-mouth from superstars and comes with more questions than answers. And as I've said 10,000x, us having Steve Mills running this franchise is utterly ridiculous.

This team hasn't and probably won't ever accomplish **** with James Dolan still pulling the strings, and Mills on top proves that is still the case. Maybe you want to argue that he hasn't interfered much so far, but if that even is the case, history tells us that will change with time. Dolan has broken vows of full autonomy before, and he hasn't even vowed it this time around. His #2 sits atop the throne and is publicly involved in the decision making process on basketball matters. Again, same guy who hired Isiah Thomas we're talking about here.

I don't see it from this regime. Regimes with alot less question marks coming in than this one has, have walked through these doors and have been disastrous. I could much easier picture us looking back in 5 years calling Fizdale an over-hyped phony, Perry a dude over his head who was only hired because he was willing to report to Mills as opposed to other more qualified candidates, and wondering what in the **** we were ever thinking letting Steve Mills run this team than I can picturing this being the unit to finally turn us around.

Only saving grace they have is that they will have an ascending Porzingis and some other young talent to work with. So that is by far the best situation coming into things than any other regime has had to deal with.
Yo dog, it crazy insane how consistently you're able to post long *** posts and its not like your arguing with someone (like I usually do to accomplish that). Just straight pure opinion :lol: :pimp:

We ALWAYS end up picking somwhere between 7 or 9 it seems. I feel like we'll get the #2 pick this year
Bruh, how you so hopeful? :lol:

What we need is for Dolan to step off the suite and into the sidelines, like Isaiah did.

Coach James Dolan.
Yo that would be MONUMENTAL moment in Knicks history :lol:

Does he fire himself? Does he also quit being owner in the process? Will JD & the Straight **** perform every national anthem? Hell during home games does he exclusively coach from his suite?
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The crazy thing is half this thread was ready to start slobbing off Jay wright who has proven nothing at the NBA level but are knocking Fiz who has a successful NBA pedigree black marked by him beefing with Marc Gasol. How many College coaches that were the best in College failed in the NBA?!?!
Are we just gonna act like Brad Stevens isn't leading a team to the ECF without his 2 best players? Funny how some of the same people calling out people in this thread for knocking the Celtics (when nobody was actually doing that at all) seem to be the same people disregarding college coaches. :lol:

A good coach is a good coach man. Yes, some college coaches don't translate to the NBA. But it's not like anyone was calling for Calipari to coach this team. Jay Wright is a tremendous coach who is amicable and runs the best program in college basketball. And he doesn't do so through high level recruiting and a style of play tailor made for NCAA success like most other high-end college coaches.

He runs a NBA style. He's one of the innovators of small-ball dating all the way back to his teams in the mid 2000s when he moved 6'7 forward Curtis Sumpter to center so that he could play his surplus of guards (Mike Nardi, Kyle Lowry, Allen Ray, Randy Foye) together at the same time. He has been running 4-out-1-in for years now, and that is the style of play that has become the hot new trend in the NBA.

That is why, paired with his recent legendary success, he has burst onto NBA radars in recent years, although interest in him dates back to 09. It's not JUST because he's winning championships, NBA teams are smart enough to know that winning at the NCAA level doesn't always translate to NBA success. And make no mistake, if Jay Wright decided to dip his foot in the water, he would get hired at the drop of A hat, and for BIG money.

His team that just steamrolled through the competition shot more 3s than any other team in NCAA history, even more than some of these **** small-school teams in the past who try to win just by jacking 3s all game, which skews those kind of stats. His offense is predicated on the pick and roll and ball movement,and he runs an aggressive man-to-man defense.

Beyond that, Jay Wright doesn't build a program on one-and-dones and high level recruiting. The foundation of his program is getting lower level recruits and developing them internally. So player development is another area where he excels, in addition to his NBA-style system and his confident, amicable charm that works well with the media and gets his players to rally behind him and believe in him.

Brad Stevens was the same way. He made a tiny school without any big recruits one of the best programs in college basketball, and he was an extremely bright coach who ran a NBA-style system. Danny Ainge figured that out and plucked him from the clouds to orchestrate his rebuild. That is because Danny Ainge is smart and we are not.

So yes, I agree that college success doesn't necessarily equate to NBA success, but a good coach is a good coach. In years past, when Calipari's name was floated around as a potential candidate for us, I've been one of the loudest antagonists of that movement, even in this very thread. But it isn't black and white. You can't just group college basketball coaches together just like you can't group any other kind of coaches together. And despite being a college basketball coach, Jay Wright has become one of the premier coaches in the entire sport and has a style that would translate pretty seamlessly to the NBA compared to most others.

But whatever, Jay Wright is irrelevant now, just thought I'd point that out. But regardless, comparing his level of success to Fizdale is just silly.

What successful NBA pedigree are we really talking about? Assistant coach on a Miami team anyone in this thread could have coached to a championship? There were very little tangible examples of player development in Miami during Fizdale's time because they didn't need it. One mediocre (and WAY overhyped) season in Memphis and a fall-out with Gasol?

Like I said, I'm ready and willing to give Fizdale a shot but I still stand by what I've said all along: David Fizdale would not even be mentioned as a candidate based on his resume alone. Lebron and Wade constantly capping for him got him hired.

EDIT: I SWEAR that I have no idea how long the **** I write is gonna be until I write it. I literally planned for this to be a really quick, 2 paragraph (3 tops) response). :lol::ohwell:
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Someone put out an article magnifying Mikal's flaws & man....

It wasn't meant to bash him or anything, just to show where he'll struggle at the next level. Miles Bridges might be the better NBA player.

Edit: here it is
I haven't read the whole thing yet, but those "range probability" charts are the dumbest ******* **** ever. I'm legitimately surprised people still use them based on how consistently off-base they are. The numbers dont even make ******* sense. How can you turn draft potential into a statistic? And even if you could, the probabilities are still sooo consistently bad and wrong.

Instantly decreases credibility in my eyes if a writer goes off that **** in any way. I remember Porzingis had like a ridiculously high bust potential and a very low probability of developing into a star, or even a starter. :lol:

How the **** do they get Mikal having a better chance to become a DNP/NON-NBA player (!) than DeAnthony Melton, Troy Brown, Jacob Evans, Zhaire Smith and SGA; while simultaneously also having the lowest star potential? According to this stupid *** thing, we should probably target DeAnthony Melton for the pick. :rofl:
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