Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

Nah it’s just that dudes with that specific hair style are usually bums

Hopefully Frank breaks that mold :lol:

That kind of hair is a common thing in European sports especially footballers. Frank grew up in France. Paul Pogba is an example for having hairstyles

At least, he didn't go with dyed faded faux hawk
Being optimistic never works for this team, so I’m trying something different
Since winning the lottery in ‘85 we’ve been in the lottery 15x and only moved up once. We really do have the worst luck imaginable.
I always pray we jump but this is like the one year I've accepted it won't happen. I get all excited, I'm on the edge of my seat, and boom, nothing changes.

I'm looking at our range in mocks and I'm fine with it. I don't even want the stress of the number one pick or a top three pick and have to debate and worry about Doncic vs Ayton, or any other top pick concerns. I'm going to be happy with Bridges or Sexton or hope Carter drops. Oh well.
Fizdale might look to recreate a grind house Grizzlies type lineup. I could definitely see Sexton being the pick if Fiz has a large input on the pick.

Conley = Sexton
Tony Allen = Frank
Gasol = KP
Zbo (came off the bench) = Kanter
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