Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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MikeCheck: McLemore's foot injury was a freak incident. Shame this just keeps freakin' happening to the Grizz
Kd had to play with Westbrook low iq as for years
. Only so much you can do with a player who doesn't defer to you and thinks he can' shoot .

brooks and KD himself contributed to this a bit..

also, pretty sure KD averaged the most shots on the team every year those 2 were together and healthy

personally, i would say the biggest issue for the thunder during durant's time there would have been scotty's commitment to perkins and a couple other players (aside from injuries to main guys)
YOU said he was on here. There's only one person on here doing that. Everyone else is telling him and y'all at times to chill. Then y'all get mad when we're laughing at the absurdity. It's not selective. We're not over hyping. When someone made the Lamar comment EVERYTHING was cool. It was the triple double comment and being the most hyped since Bron that people took exception to. You're legit complaining about an issue that doesn't exist. No one on here really hated the sixers for real. It's the same as when Laker, Hawks, Warriors, Wizards fans say stupid stuff. You say something dumb and you're going to get fried in here. Is what it is.

I'm not sure if you have trouble reading but I quoted my post several times even bolding and underlining my comment that Simmons was ONE OF the most hyped prospects since LeBron. And the dude who said Ben could come close to averaging a triple double this year isn't even a Sixers fan. My prediction for him was somewhere around 16, 8 and 6.
mans really said if tmac never get injured he would be better than KD.

KD is a god damn extra terrestrial. :rofl::rofl:at Tmac being better than KD
was that list about being the most athletic? If it is the list should be something like this.

Moss, Megatron, MJ, Russ, Deion, Bo Jackson
mans really said if tmac never get injured he would be better than KD.

KD is a god damn extra terrestrial. :rofl::rofl:at Tmac being better than KD

Tmac was a special talent, but he was known to be lazy, especially in the offseason, he would never rehab properly or work on his conditioning to get back into shape. JVG also said that TMac would complain about his back whenever coach told him to play harder on D (especially during practice).

T-Mac's talent cannot be denied, but his work ethic left a lot to be desired.
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