Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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"I can't tell the future," Ball said of why he kept saying he isn't sure who will draft him. "I don't know where I am going."

"I know he is going to be happy," Ball added of his father's reaction once he will be drafted. "He will be smiling, I will be smiling, get the hat and go from there."

They sound pretty happy to me regardless of who's drafting Lonzo.

Of course he will be happy if ANY NBA team drafts him. His son bout to make millions. But if he were to be drafted by the Lakers, he will be a lot more than just 'happy.' More like EUPHORIC.
But you made it seem like Lavar and Lonzo would break down and cry if Lonzo were to be drafted by someone else....judging by the kid's demeanor in interviews, it says otherwise.

Nah, Lonzo gonna be fine no matter which team he goes to. It will be Lavar who will break down and cry on his wife's shoulders when they alone in their bedroom talkn bout "my son is a Sun >: :smh:

Lavar will learn not to count those chickens til they hatch. 
Lavar is pretty self made already...I don't think he will be hurt by this.

IMO, he may not say it publicly but best believe he will be 'hurt' (for lack of a better word) if Magic passes on Lonzo. Disappointed for sure. But he'll get over it.

Ball's endorsements and future marketability is largely tied to and depends highly on Lonzo being drafted to play in Purple N Gold country.
True, but hey! He got two more sons to market still. Well technically one now since LiAngelo ain't getting high praises from pop himself.
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True, but hey! He got two more sons to market still. Well technically one now since LiAngelo ain't getting high praises from pop himself.

His middle kid is going to be a scrub. If he doesn't play all 4 years at UCLA, its because he left to play in Afghanistan.
Imagine if Philly decided to rent Paul George by trading Okafor to Indiana?



Paul George

B. Simmons


I wonder if they would gel and convince PG to stay
Fair enough. No matter what, the next 2-3 years gonna be very interesting in Los Angeles - for both the Lakers AND Clippers (
I like Rob. Magic is just a show piece. He's going to get too much credit. But he's Magic.

Rob's going to be one of the best GM's in the league. Two years ago, i mentioned the Lakers next GM would be a agent or former agent (through my sources), but it was supposed to be another high profile GM (who doesn't probably get enough credit) that was a former agent that was supposed to be their guy.

Turns out, they may have ended up with the better guy. Time will tell. When they mentioned Rob got the job, i got a little nervous.
You referring to Arn Tellem?
After watching that Ingram highlights posted I realized Clarkson is a way better fit at point guard than Russell
Clarkson had no vision at all. It would be a horrible situation to have him as a starting PG.
Clarkson is a solid 6th man on a playoff contending team
Jordan Clarkson really isn't good (Can't defend, can't shoot, empty buckets on a loser his entire career, no willingness to pass, he's already 25) I don't know a single playoff team out west that he would help in that role.
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It's a shame they got you banned from the Lakers thread.

Lulz were had reading this.
For several months, they laughed and mocked and insulted me every time I clowned D'Angelo Russell saying he would eventually be traded sooner than later. I coined the nickname Hollywood Russell and D'AngeNo Hustle and they said I was a foo. I put screenshots involving Russell and Randle on the Trade Machine and they told me to take a hike.

So I told them to just wait. He wouldn't last another season. They called me names. Not once did I ever insult anyone there, not once did I ever call any one derogatory names yet I got booted because I made the the Laker Thread Fraternity super uncomfortable with my non-conformist views. Obviously I didn't fit in with the crowd 'cause they were too cool for school - just like D'Angelo. 

And where is Hollywood Russell now? Traded to BKN and hanging out with the frat boys in the Laker thread. Shoutout to the homie @Essential1 Mr. Basketball, the king of Analytics, Laker Thread regular, and President/CEO of the DLo Fan Club.
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Clarkson is a solid 6th man on a playoff contending team
Jordan Clarkson really isn't good (Can't defend, can't shoot, empty buckets on a loser his entire career, no willingness to pass, he's already 25) I don't know a single playoff team out west that he would help in that role.
Just wait. You'll see. 

Oh btw....Clarkson > the entire Clippers bench.
Just wait. You'll see. 

Oh btw....Clarkson > the entire Clippers bench.
I mean you're not saying much, the Clippers bench is trash for the most part

I'm not even sure if Clarkson is better than Austin Rivers. He's older, doesn't shoot the ball as well, isn't nearly the defender Austin is, I mean...
Just wait. You'll see. 

Oh btw....Clarkson > the entire Clippers bench.
I mean you're not saying much, the Clippers bench is trash for the most part

I'm not even sure if Clarkson is better than Austin Rivers. He's older, doesn't shoot the ball as well, isn't nearly the defender Austin is, I mean...
Here's the thing...when you play for a losing team, your weaknesses are magnified. When you play for a losing team and you practice against mediocre players, you don't improve much because your daily competition is mediocre, therefore how you practice is how you show up at the game. 

I'm not even going to mention any of Clarkson's numbers but if the Lakers end up keeping Clarkson and trading Randle for PG13, it will speak volumes about how Magic and Rob see Clarkson.

I'm not even going to mention the many positive things Magic has said about J.C. but one thing Magic has pointed out is his potential to be a very good wing defender for the Lakers. 

Lastly, when you're surrounded by stars, a winning program, and have teammates that can uplift your game and make you better, the inevitable becomes obvious - your game will improve drastically as a result. 

Disagree with me or not, but J.C. has the tools and most importantly, he is serious about the game and has the work ethic that Laker management wants and expects of its players.
Here's the thing...when you play for a losing team, your weaknesses are magnified. When you play for a losing team and you practice against mediocre players, you don't improve much because your daily competition is mediocre, therefore how you practice is how you show up at the game. 

I'm not even going to mention any of Clarkson's numbers but if the Lakers end up keeping Clarkson and trading Randle for PG13, it will speak volumes about how Magic and Rob see Clarkson.

I'm not even going to mention the many positive things Magic has said about J.C. but one thing Magic has pointed out is his potential to be a very good wing defender for the Lakers. 

Lastly, when you're surrounded by stars, a winning program, and have teammates that can uplift your game and make you better, the inevitable becomes obvious - your game will improve drastically as a result. 

Disagree with me or not, but J.C. has the tools and most importantly, he is serious about the game and has the work ethic that Laker management wants and expects of its players.
Trust me bro, I was on the Jordan Clarkson boat like literally up until the beginning of this season.

He's already better than what I expected him to be in the NBA. Because of my friend Jabari, I caught A TON of Jordan Clarkson in college. Thought the Lakers had a steal, and they have gotten that. You really can't ask for more out of the 46th pick.

That being said, I've soured on him man. He's a selfish basketball player who doesn't even come close to being an average defender and he's 25 so we kind of know that this is what he is. I have no reason to believe he's any better than what Jamal Crawford is with us at LAC. If Jordan isn't hot, he's almost a detriment to have on the floor, much like Crawford and those guys aren't good NBA basketball players man, not to me at least.

Jordan Clarkson looks the part. He plays hard, he's athletic but really he's a combo guard who can't pass, can't shoot, and can't guard a chair.

Here's the thing...when you play for a losing team, your weaknesses are magnified. When you play for a losing team and you practice against mediocre players, you don't improve much because your daily competition is mediocre, therefore how you practice is how you show up at the game. 

I'm not even going to mention any of Clarkson's numbers but if the Lakers end up keeping Clarkson and trading Randle for PG13, it will speak volumes about how Magic and Rob see Clarkson.

I'm not even going to mention the many positive things Magic has said about J.C. but one thing Magic has pointed out is his potential to be a very good wing defender for the Lakers. 

Lastly, when you're surrounded by stars, a winning program, and have teammates that can uplift your game and make you better, the inevitable becomes obvious - your game will improve drastically as a result. 

Disagree with me or not, but J.C. has the tools and most importantly, he is serious about the game and has the work ethic that Laker management wants and expects of its players.

Trust me bro, I was on the Jordan Clarkson boat like literally up until the beginning of this season.

He's already better than what I expected him to be in the NBA. Because of my friend Jabari, I caught A TON of Jordan Clarkson in college. Thought the Lakers had a steal, and they have gotten that. You really can't ask for more out of the 46th pick.

That being said, I've soured on him man. He's a selfish basketball player who doesn't even come close to being an average defender and he's 25 so we kind of know that this is what he is. I have no reason to believe he's any better than what Jamal Crawford is with us at LAC. If Jordan isn't hot, he's almost a detriment to have on the floor, much like Crawford and those guys aren't good NBA basketball players man, not to me at least.

Jordan Clarkson looks the part. He plays hard, he's athletic but really he's a combo guard who can't pass, can't shoot, and can't guard a chair.

Jabari Brown?
It's a shame they got you banned from the Lakers thread.

Lulz were had reading this.
They called me names. Not once did I ever insult anyone there, not once did I ever call any one derogatory names yet I got booted because I made the the Laker Thread Fraternity super uncomfortable with my non-conformist views. 
And that's really the messed up thing about it. You got booted for offering a new, refreshing take from the daily shoot-for-the-moon comparisons and weekly circle jerk.

It's a shame they got you banned from the Lakers thread.

Lulz were had reading this.

They called me names. Not once did I ever insult anyone there, not once did I ever call any one derogatory names yet I got booted because I made the the Laker Thread Fraternity super uncomfortable with my non-conformist views. 

And that's really the messed up thing about it. You got booted for offering a new, refreshing take from the daily shoot-for-the-moon comparisons and weekly circle jerk.

Man I always rocked with Whip in there, he at least wasn't redundant and was entertaining :lol:
Might not always agree with dude but I think I'm the only Laker fan that rocks with him on here :lol:
Here's the thing...when you play for a losing team, your weaknesses are magnified. When you play for a losing team and you practice against mediocre players, you don't improve much because your daily competition is mediocre, therefore how you practice is how you show up at the game. 

I'm not even going to mention any of Clarkson's numbers but if the Lakers end up keeping Clarkson and trading Randle for PG13, it will speak volumes about how Magic and Rob see Clarkson.

I'm not even going to mention the many positive things Magic has said about J.C. but one thing Magic has pointed out is his potential to be a very good wing defender for the Lakers. 

Lastly, when you're surrounded by stars, a winning program, and have teammates that can uplift your game and make you better, the inevitable becomes obvious - your game will improve drastically as a result. 

Disagree with me or not, but J.C. has the tools and most importantly, he is serious about the game and has the work ethic that Laker management wants and expects of its players.
Trust me bro, I was on the Jordan Clarkson boat like literally up until the beginning of this season.

He's already better than what I expected him to be in the NBA. Because of my friend Jabari, I caught A TON of Jordan Clarkson in college. Thought the Lakers had a steal, and they have gotten that. You really can't ask for more out of the 46th pick.

That being said, I've soured on him man. He's a selfish basketball player who doesn't even come close to being an average defender and he's 25 so we kind of know that this is what he is. I have no reason to believe he's any better than what Jamal Crawford is with us at LAC. If Jordan isn't hot, he's almost a detriment to have on the floor, much like Crawford and those guys aren't good NBA basketball players man, not to me at least.

Jordan Clarkson looks the part. He plays hard, he's athletic but really he's a combo guard who can't pass, can't shoot, and can't guard a chair.
That's why we have opinions right? Yours just differs from mine. Nothing wrong with that. But I ain't trusting your words. 

Because like I said, Jordan was playing on a terrible team. Which means, he played within that respective team's capacities. You surround Jordan with more intelligent ball players...players who actually play hard 100% of the time and make the right plays...and Jordan's play will improve exponentially because like all things, you are a product of your environment.

I'll give you one example:  Trevor Ariza was the 43rd pick of the draft. Never projected to be a star, but was athletic coming out of college. His first 3-4 years in the league, he was a below average player with the Knicks and Magic. Never had a chance to showcase his real talent because he played on two sorry *** squads. But for some reason, the Lakers saw something in him. 

What happens in '08-'09? Dude was straight up ballin as the Lakers starting SF, one of their best defensive players, super clutch in the playoffs and the Finals, made all kinds of big plays at key moments. Why did he look good? Because Kobe, Pau, Bynum, Fish, and Lamar all made him look good. A product of better teammates and a solid system.

I see the same thing with Clarkson. Surround him with a superstar lineup that includes a Lebron, a PG13, a Westbrook, etc etc and Clarkson all of a sudden becomes an impact component because his play will ELEVATE by simple virtue of playing and practicing alongside much better teammates.

I can give you more examples, just ask.
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