Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Really hoping Phil does trade Kris, but my gut tells me he's just bluffing.

Neither the City of New York nor Knicks fans deserve him.
Sounds like the Spurs are shopping LMA...

Definitely hasn't worked out like I expected when dude was the premier FA in the market a few summers ago :lol: :x
so youre asking the pistons to trade andre drummond for andre drummond and just give up the 12th pick for free

so youre asking the pistons to trade andre drummond for andre drummond and just give up the 12th pick for free


I see this guy play all year long.

Nothing more frustrating than watching him play and knowing he cannot make ONE move to score, does not even try on defense and makes over 100 million dollars on our cap. He is tapped out of potential.

DJ deal is up after 2, opt out after 1.

DO IT. Wishful Thinking.
DJ is a bit better, sure.

like if it were 2k than drummond is an 85 whereas DJ is an 87 maybe......but im not giving up the 12th pick for that minor increase in one position 
I would not be shocked if the Lakers don't draft Lonzo. His passing skills are highly overrated. Compare Jason Kidd's college tape to Lonzo's and it's not even close. Ball livin off that hype.

agreed. he's just not good to me. those passes get picked off every time at the next level. those shots from the hip getting blocked 79
5 of the time. dude gonna be Bootiay Lite.
Can someone who knows this situation better than I shine light on why it's a good decision for the Cavs to bring in C Billups to run their front office when he has no experience whatsoever and also has to be talked into taking the job? Is this Lebron's hand pick?
I mean you're not saying much, the Clippers bench is trash for the most part :lol:

I'm not even sure if Clarkson is better than Austin Rivers. He's older, doesn't shoot the ball as well, isn't nearly the defender Austin is, I mean...


As a Clippers fan, i know how foolish this is. I'd trade him for Clarkson in a heartbeat
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