Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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I'll just post the Zack Lowe quote again and you can tell me which part is wrong:

"I just think Rose is not good. He can't shoot, his midranger is alright, he can't shoot 3's, he's a minus passer, he's not a good playmaker anymore for other people, he needs the ball, and he plays horrible defense. I don't want him on my team even if it's 3 million or 4 million. If I'm the Knicks I don't want him on my team next year. He's not a bad guy or anything, I just don't want him on my team"
Is it possible for me to agree with him WHILE disagreeing with the idea of him not deserving to be in the NBA? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Is it possible for me to agree with him WHILE disagreeing with the idea of him not deserving to be in the NBA? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Since you take so much issue with the phrasing of "deserve", what if I just say that I don't believe any team gets better by signing him?  That I don't believe it would be a good idea for any team to sign him?

I don't care really about what is deserved in a vacuum.
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O_O he lowkey did. He got the kobe cut.

I like how the "Kobe cut" has become a nationwide reference to a close cut when balding in the black community :lol:.

***** know exactly what you mean when you say, the "Kobe cut".

It's like the term, "mossed".
Since you take so much issue with the phrasing of "deserve", what if I just say that I don't believe any team gets better by signing him?
I still disagree with that.

Not sure where his head is at this point, but if he was backing up John Wall, the Wizards would have been a better team.

But I don't know if he is to the point psychologically to handle a backup role.

As a backup, he makes PLENTY of teams better.

As a starter, it depends on who ran the show last year
But I don't know if he is to the point psychologically to handle a backup role.
That's part of the problem.  There are of course lots of players with totally degraded skills and athleticism who have roles on teams (even playoff ones).  PCH mentioned Jamal Crawford and how bad he was last season.  

But of course many of those guys like Crawford are known as consumate professionals and positive locker room presences.  Rose was like 1000x to the opposite of that last year.

Marbury also could have theoretically been a fine backup for a few years in the NBA, but mentally he didn't belong in the league anymore. 
Bruh...WHO is this dude reporting on NBCS? 

Ain't no doubt this ***** from Oakland 
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rondo type of deal
1+1 ? 
Yeah maybe 2 with a T/O for a 3rd if his agent can talk good enough to these GMs

D Rose gotta regain his love for the game tho his head ain't all the way there, you can tell he's mentally off in some way prbly depression
Dray :smokin
Bron gonna be claiming he's an adult and a family man when they start trolling him. They gotta kill him for that Halloween ****
Son so corny man smh
Looking like Carlton banks trynna be cool
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