Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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He did, but what's done is done.  Probably securing his legacy before he breaks down physically.

Not that I wish that, but he's not a fundamentally sound player to where I'll see him playing well into his 30s.
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@WiillyWeezy Wait a minute...

First off, Harden got robbed for MVP again.  

On the CP3 trade, it could hurt us but it could also help the team and Harden out especially.  Love Capela, but if he doesn't improve to where he can play full starter minutes, I would still say C is Houston's biggest need of an upgrade.
You can't just say the trade might be bad for us but it might also be good for us

Ha ha ha
Crazy as hell to think the trade could actually hurt the Rockets. They got as far as they could with Beverley and the rest of those guys. They got a guy who is still waaay better than anybody they traded away and they left themselves in great position to be able to add more pieces. Also made themselves more attractive to potential free agents.
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I've just haven't seen too much of CP3 playing off ball, Harden I have, but I don't know if he's willing to revert back to that seeing as what happened with Ty Lawson.

It's good though that we'll have at least one superstar point guard on the floor at all times.  Paul will probably get most of his minutes with Anderson/Gordon/Ariza, Harden with the 2nd unit where he can continue to be the best iso player in the league and won't have to worry about playing defense as much.
It's been too quiet this last hour regarding FA

Last year there was already like 5 contracts announced by now. I think the first one was Mozgov 64 mil contract lol
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stop with the pop can handle anyone

no he cant

hes not a miracle worker hes just good at certain personalities

if you aint with pops gameplan you out the door

hes not the laid back personality coach if your a confrontational player he will dig in your *** and someones getting choked out or kicked off the team
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Austin Rivers has mamba blood. Son gonna win hardware next season.
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