Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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I actually like Pooh on Milwaukee.

They need someone who can create their own shot down the stretch. Alphabet jumper isn't there yet, and regardless what people say Derrick mid range game is money.

I'd like to see that, he'd put them over the hump in the first round atleast. 
I'm with this. 

He can be the closer they need. 

Rose can't hit a jumper out in the three point area but hey can slide the defense anytime he wants. Add that with slashing and another person to give guys that can actually shoot 3s, a good look.

Plus, Milwaukee appreciate Rose more than Chicago ever did lol 
Does he want another bag or a chance to contend ?
Dude could work well in SA
He said he's good on a big pay payday. Said all the money he's earned already, if he was to quit nba, he'll be alright. 

Said winning is most important to him. Knicks will be the last resort, I am sure as they are not contending but can offer him a large pay day. 
Still have hope/belief that portis and trey lyles can develop into legit starters

Depends on their work ethics but they both have the tools and foundations to be starters
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good. I dont have to hate chauncey now. He still a clown for back trackin on cube doh. Even the old heads gettin in on FA loll. Chaunce was eating their meals and flying on their private jets loll

Dude turned down a lucrative, secure, 5 yr deal. you KNOW cleveland is even more trash behind the scenes
How he back track on cube lol?
Why does Melo want to waive his NTC now, after Phil leaves?
Pride. He was staying to spite Phil.

Wasn't going to let Phil push him out. Was trying to outlast Phil.

Once Phil was ousted, there was no real tangible point to stay.
How much worse is the East going to be even? Butler and George weren't on good teams to begin with. Healthy Hornets and Heat would be just as good or better
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