Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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If the Pelicans wouldn't take Brown or Tatum plus basically two top 6 picks for next year then they need that team to be shipped to Seattle

Only thing is if you do trade all those picks plus one of Tatum or Brown then your youth is pretty much all gone and you're building around IT in his 30's, AD and Hayward. Still would probably be the top team in the East post-Bron but not sure if that's winning you a title. If they could keep Tatum and Brown and just trade the picks and somebody else it would be a different story though.
The Nets had zero incentive to tank last year too and still finished comfortably worse than every team in the league including the ones that were purposely trying to tank. And then they lost their best player and although I like D'Lo, at 21 I'm skeptical about him being far enough along in his development to have a big impact on the W column this season. That team is still a work in progress and they might not be THE worst team again, but they're still gonna be pretty bad. I do like their coach a lot though.
The GM needs to fired before you can think about trading a superstar with 3 years left on his deal.

Dell Demps has been awful, amazing that he's been given a pass for this long.
The GM needs to fired before you can think about trading a superstar with 3 years left on his deal.

In this case one of him or Cousins is going to have to go or else they have zero hope for building an actual team because nobody is taking on that Jrue contract til he's an expiring. And if you're able to get something crazy from the Celtics then they would be stupid to not take it.
Oh I didn't mean now but once there's 1-1.5 years left. He's not staying in New Orleans
Genes got the best of me. Gonna be looking like Manu in a couple years. Able to pull it off though so I aint too mad.
I'm flourishing out here at 32 with my nappy fro

Good stuff. My curls are luxurious in my fro hawk as well. Just find it interesting seems like a lot of people hating on the natural look are lacking in the follicle department themselves.
Wow cant believe Jonah Bolden went overseas. Kid seemed like he'd stick around.

It's probably because the Sixers are stacked in the front court. Are 2nd round picks guaranteed? Like will the sixers still have his rights when he comes back? I've really like him in SL.
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