Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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They're all playing together this weekend at the drew too.
guess melo forgot to set his watch back an hr
I really hope Melo, Harden and CP3 end up on the same team so we can call them Team Dough Boys
I'm huge on parenting, and dude has had some parenting takes that are just completely off.

And not just that he's off, but then when callers call in, his smug 'Cool story. I'm right. You're wrong' shtick is a bit much for me.
People saying Kyrie unfollowed Lebron... How do you know Bron didn't just block Kyrie?

I mean, only one of those two is world-renowned for his pettiness and subliminal shade. Add to that, that Kyrie's camp is saying Bron is the one who leaked the story about Kyrie wanting to leave, and uh...

weebey bae
im saying son said he wished i got hit by a car for no reason :lol:
:rofl: bruh hahahahahaha. theres too far, and then theres the temporary parking lot when you have to run into 'too far' for a minute, but it has a 15 minute limit. Bruh parked his camper there and set up shop. thats a preemptive strike.
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