Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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all u damn messicans in this thread :smh:

y que homes?
the guy may not be on the floor, but he sure puts in work off
and he aint caught slipping with child support/std allegations
arianny celeste, the ufc card girl

Is no one gonna comment on Lakersman not liking burgers or pizza? Who tf doesn't like burgers or pizza? :lol:

I'm convinced there's nothing this guy likes.
Is no one gonna comment on Lakersman not liking burgers or pizza? Who tf doesn't like burgers or pizza? :lol:

I'm convinced there's nothing this guy likes.

You didn't see his new screen name?

Antidope rolling over in ketchup and eggs.
THis thread has been unbearable for the past few days. Probably worse I've seen it in a long time and I've been lurking for many many many years
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