Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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aint nobody dreaming about Texas
I play with Mexicans For the most part so they aren't that big. There is only like 2 or 3 black dudes that will show up at the gym where I play at once in a great while. The bigger dudes are 6 2-6'5. No one really taller then that.

yo i swear we play against these 3 high school asian kids almost every week at the gym. short *** ****** im 6 foot 5 my boys are around 6 2 and 6 ft. these little asian dudes was hittin from everywhere on the court like over us and **** and it was going in. hella embarassing we had to atart bodying them and playing dirty now they dont make um as much. feel kinda bad their dad be siiting there looking at us like dude from big trouble in little china after lo pan died
yo i swear we play against these 3 high school asian kids almost every week at the gym. short *** *****s im 6 foot 5 my boys are around 6 2 and 6 ft. these little asian dudes was hittin from everywhere on the court like over us and **** and it was going in. hella embarassing we had to atart bodying them and playing dirty now they dont make um as much. feel kinda bad their dad be siiting there looking at us like dude from big trouble in little china after lo pan died
You you just getting them ready for next season, need to get physical with them.
Is no one gonna comment on Lakersman not liking burgers or pizza? Who tf doesn't like burgers or pizza? :lol:

I'm convinced there's nothing this guy likes.

only person i can think that might not like either as well is antidope lol
yo i swear we play against these 3 high school asian kids almost every week at the gym. short *** *****s im 6 foot 5 my boys are around 6 2 and 6 ft. these little asian dudes was hittin from everywhere on the court like over us and **** and it was going in. hella embarassing we had to atart bodying them and playing dirty now they dont make um as much. feel kinda bad their dad be siiting there looking at us like dude from big trouble in little china after lo pan died

I'm not going to act like I didn't just do the same thing at the Y last night. This kid kept pulling up from 30 feet out and draining them so I just started bodying the hell out of him because I was too lazy to play real d out there. It amazes me how scared people are to call fouls
I gotta chill in this new NBA thread. I've gotten more warnings since the move than I ever did before :lol:

just put trolls on ignore

its gonna look funny at first cuz it will seem like niketalkers are talking to themselves but it beats the triuble of getting warnings by going back amd fourth lol
just put trolls on ignore

its gonna look funny at first cuz it will seem like niketalkers are talking to themselves but it beats the triuble of getting warnings by going back amd fourth lol

It's all stuff I used to say before tho with no problem :lol:
Used to wonder how cats got banned with the amount of leeway I had.
Now I'm being treated like the rest of you plebeians. It's unfair!
I'm not going to act like I didn't just do the same thing at the Y last night. This kid kept pulling up from 30 feet out and draining them so I just started bodying the hell out of him because I was too lazy to play real d out there. It amazes me how scared people are to call fouls
Calling fouls in pickup games is beyond annoying. People take too much liberty with it. Played Saturday and it was about six straight possessions of foul calls at one point.

Ironically the only foul I take the option of calling is nitpicky one but illegal screens bother me to no end and I'm calling them if they get egregious. Dudes legit wrap you up whilst screening. Ruining the game.
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