Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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This is stupid! First of all
1. Shaq only won 2 MVP's when he was clearly the most dominating player in the league. That tells you MVP voting is a joke not to mention they robbed Kobe the year he scored 81. People forget that same year he sores 64 in 3 quarters vs Dirk and the Mavs. He outscored their entire team through 3 quarters and Phil took him out for the 4th. He then took a scrub team up against the best team in the west in the Suns and had them down 3-1.

2. This notion that Kobe was some second rate option behind Shaq is ridiculous. He was avg damn near 30 pts. On those same teams while guarding the best player on the floor. His assist were higher than ever because him and Shaq were the perfect combo. People forget Shaqs production fell off after Kobe because nobody was better at feeding Shaq the ball. They would ISO one side and you had to choose who was going to kill you.

3. Bottom line is people feared playing Kobe Bryant. Kobe played against tougher competition. Kobe played in a league full of Draymond Green's while Lebron out here shook by an undersized dudes with less skill. You can spout out all the stats you want but the fact remains MJ and other greats say they'd take Kobe over Lebron.
Kobe was a 2nd option tho.
This is stupid! First of all
Bottom line is people feared playing Kobe Bryant. Kobe played against tougher competition. Kobe played in a league full of Draymond Green's while Lebron out here shook by an undersized dudes with less skill. You can spout out all the stats you want but the fact remains MJ and other greats say they'd take Kobe over Lebron.

:rofl: :rofl: What the hell is this man.
i dont know...when JET asked if lebron could do it for a full series, he looked funny in the the light

I wanna see the world burn lol

Nah but I just saw this on twitter. Not a Kobe fan but this is going too far. Where do people even rank Kobe?
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You can spout out all the stats you want but the fact remains MJ and other greats say they'd take Kobe over Lebron.

Didn't Pippen say Bron is better than Jordan, and is the Greatest player of all time? Or am I trippin?

I'm sure you're gonna dismiss it but imagine if he said that about
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