Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Forced retirement. I'm guessing he will say that players these days are soft.
Stan Van had early "talks" with Gilbert regarding

Drummond, Johnson, Jackson, and a first round pick for Irving and Thompson

doubt that was the deal, thats hell of a deal for Cleveland IMO

Detroit would be straight rebuilding at this point with a gutted roster and Kyrie so I don't get the point other than to get a big name who will be disgruntled
doubt that was the deal, thats hell of a deal for Cleveland IMO

Detroit would be straight rebuilding at this point with a gutted roster and Kyrie so I don't get the point other than to get a big name who will be disgruntled

Trade is so one sided its disgusting. Slap Gores temple if he greenlights that trade.

Wall on Kyrie's situation with LeBron: "I'd want to stay but you never know what type of relationship they have"
I enjoy comparing players at times but I've come to the conclusion that if you can not acknowledge how great BOTH Kobe and LeBron are/were you're a legit weirdo. Honestly, the lengths people go through on both sides to discredit the other is fascinating. Just accept the fact that both of them were two of the 10 best players EVER and we're fortunate enough to have seen them both in their prime at the same time. Who you find better comes down to what style of play you prefer. There's more interesting things to discuss like how great ( and really underrated) KD is, how Timmy and Dirk went their whole careers never really receiving the praise they deserve, how prospects are getting better yearly, how we have the best product the league has ever seen right now, etc. Way too much to be beating this dead horse.

No ones denying that they're both great

Some people juat cant accept that it'll always be Kobe > Bron, it's been discussed for years and the answer is always overwhelmingly Kobe.

are we not counting this or...
23 year old lebron was the leading scorer on his team. 23 year old kobe wasnt the leading scorer for the lakers. Lebron didnt have someone on his team averaging 10 more points than him. Second best player on the cavs was drew gooden. But losing to the spurs is honorable.
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