Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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KD is so involved in basketball convo how can his conscience really be at peace knowing what he did, let alone what people say about what he did.

Thanks for posting this.

One of my favorite Bron gifs ever.

Lebby's court vision is amazing. :sick:

Second to none.
I guess... okc calling kd a cupcake has to be one of the weakest and corniest diss names ever. Zero creativity and not humorous in anyway.
Sounds like something a well mannered 6 year old would call someone when they angry.
This name wasn't "picked" as you'd pick a CP0 or LeStat or whatever.
There is context behind it and more importantly than the nick itself, that context is what mattters, and created the chance.
IN the aftermath or post-KD, A post or comment was made and it stuck as a diss, but even before that it was an "inside clown" between mates, OKC mates.

Not like folks said 'OK we can call him Kflea or Unreliable or Choker or........lets go with Cupcake'
I am sure the words of strangers and talking heads isn't affecting how Kevin Durant feels about his life and the choices he's made.

I feel like the choice to go to Golden State said otherwise.

Millions of dollars, a ring and a guaranteed spot in the HOF. Idk how he doesnt just kill himself already for what he's done.

With this type of logic no one should speak ill of Lebron James. Alas...

I seen KD in person getting booed at USA game in Houston. Pretty sure he grew some thick skin.

KD seems like not only a pure hooper but a good person. Any body in the public eye should have some type of thick skin when it comes to scrutiny but KD has experienced more scrutiny as an NBA champion than he's ever had in his whole career. I can't help but to find that ironic.
"The servant" is the worst..

Especially with "slim reaper" and "iceberg slim" there
Don't care about the context. Bad nickname is bad nickname.
Yeah im sure kd is losing sleep over being called a cupcake.... Responding on Twitter and Youtube = he is hurt. Sure. How dare he respond to people on social media when he is bored.
KD is so involved in basketball convo how can his conscience really be at peace knowing what he did, let alone what people say about what he did.
who gives a **** what weirdos on the internet think?

kd>bums in their feelings cuz he left
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