Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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KD is not an NBA champion to me. He took the easiest route possible. He will be ringless to me until he leaves the warriors and wins one.

I kinda feel like this as well. I felt the same way with Lebron in Miami. It was like they were cheating themselves. KD is better than playing in Steph's shadow. Clearly that finals performance proves that but Steph had him to scared to compete. He'd rather team up with him than take back his conference :smh:
I kinda feel like this as well. I felt the same way with Lebron in Miami. It was like they were cheating themselves. KD is better than playing in Steph's shadow. Clearly that finals performance proves that but Steph had him to scared to compete. He'd rather team up with him than take back his conference :smh:
what part of had enough of westbrook dont u understand? lol
CP0 is the corniest thing ever. Dippers and Sprockets are pretty bad too. All mostly used by the same guy coincidentally.

I forget who came up with Walls Fargo but that was pretty good.
some other bad ones are lebum and black mamba.. Garbage nicknames
Don't care about the context. Bad nickname is bad nickname.
Yeah im sure kd is losing sleep over being called a cupcake.... Responding on Twitter and Youtube = he is hurt. Sure. How dare he respond to people on social media when he is bored.

Responding to the same comments though? Even after it's proved to have been "worth it" after winning a ring? Even people who have no problem with what he did mention that they wouldn't have done it himself. His moms had to tell him with confetti pouring down that he shouldn't listen to what people say and that he's an NBA champion. It hadn't even been 10 minutes and she has to prepare him for the naysayers. Kevin Durant deserves peace of mind. That 2017 Championship ain't it.
what part of had enough of westbrook dont u understand? lol

Lebron would win with Westbrook and Adams easily.

Lol at the hes not a championship in my eyes nonsense. ..

You know it's the truth. We all know it's the truth. Even KD knows it's the truth.

He is a champion but farther down the line he will still be dragged for being a snake.

It all depends on how many he gets with them and if there is life after the warriors, how he performs. He's put himself in an odd position though in terms of where he's ranked when it's all said and done. His first ring shouldn't have been off of Steph's coat tails.
Lebron would win with Westbrook and Adams easily.

You know it's the truth. We all know it's the truth. Even KD knows it's the truth.

It all depends on how many he gets with them and if there is life after the warriors, how he performs. He's put himself in an odd position though in terms of where he's ranked when it's all said and done. His first ring shouldn't have been off of Steph's coat tails.
I don't though. Cause its not true. Sorry but I don't think like that. All this "you didn't win in a way I approve of " is nonsense.... Plain and simple
Yea ditching your team and joining a better team that beat you smh.

Real talk KD was the leader of that locker room whether he liked it or not just off of skill set. What type of example did he set by leaving and joining the dudes that beat them in epic fashion and cost them a finals appearance? All that "he can do what he wants" talk is pointless. Dude hoops at the Rucker during his off season. He lives Basketball. He knows the code. That's why I know he ain't feeling right.
I don't though. Cause its not true. Sorry but I don't think like that. All this "you didn't win in a way I approve of " is nonsense.... Plain and simple

We all know it's not just winning but how you win as well. This is NT, we put asterisks on everything
You can put a personal asterisk on whatever you choose to. At the end of the day its irrelevant and kd is still a champion and had one of the greatest finals performances of all time. Those are facts. Not feelings and opinions and your feelings and opinions can't take that away.
You can put a personal asterisk on whatever you choose to. At the end of the day its irrelevant and kd is still a champion and had one of the greatest finals performances of all time. Those are facts. Not feelings and opinions

The facts are why the asterisks are in place. Warriors were on route to their third finals appearance straight with or without KD. The fact that he would rather relish in the success that he had no hand in creating than try to deter that with a player and organization that believed in him is at best laughable.
I talked to Stephen Jackson on Thursday and he's has a whole 180 view on Lebron these days and calls him the best in the league openly. He mentioned to me that his respect came from his competitors knowing the only way to bring him down was to join forces and mention that Lebron keeps playing the way he is playing and that soon them teaming won't be enough. I was amused.
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