Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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SMH. Stanford was the team out of the 3 I wanted to see the least. And now it looks like they'll be fresh.
Furd's punter is legit. at the game up at Corvalis the ball was booming off his foot. he was pretty composed despite all the **** i was yelling at him. was really impressive
YEP Jake Bailey will be a 10-15 year player in the nfl, dude runs a 4.6 as a punter and is the best punter in cfb
Furd's punter is legit. at the game up at Corvalis the ball was booming off his foot. he was pretty composed despite all the **** i was yelling at him. was really impressive


is that even a real measure :lol:
If Florida is getting turned down by their top coach, I wonder what's in store for TAMU, Arkansas and Tennessee? They're all gonna end up with C-list coaches.
Arkansas can get a solid coach, especially with Jerry willing to step in the arena this go around. They'll just have to be a hell of a recruiter. I personally prefer Gus, Norvell or Kiffin.

edit - it'll probably be Kiffin.
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Just got home from a 14 hour work day... miss anything of note other then bama losing and urban instigating a witch hunt as to why a cameraman bumped into jt on the sideline ( :rofl: )?
And the savior has had 3 years with JOK and Speight and 2 years with Peters... I am growing tired of him mainly because his bark is much louder than his bite

I see that your patients growing thin. I understand that but reality is he just need a QB which was hurt to put the cape on also one was RA was the best thing then you got two coming in who might redshirt. The talent gap between Michigan and OSU actually closing. Plus if he can’t do it who though because replacing a coach every four years sets it back even further. Keep that in mind.
Think he's made it known that he doesn't plan on moving. Son is on the team right now and he wants to coach him.

Urban about to make this sideline knee bump thing a huge scandal?

Not yet, his kid is a 2018 guy.

I mean Boom left his kid at Barn when he took the job at USCe, but Venables kid can actually play so I think he's there for the considerable future :lol:

He doesn't seem interested at all in his alma mater KSU either.
I see that your patients growing thin. I understand that but reality is he just need a QB which was hurt to put the cape on also one was RA was the best thing then you got two coming in who might redshirt. The talent gap between Michigan and OSU actually closing. Plus if he can’t do it who though because replacing a coach every four years sets it back even further. Keep that in mind.

TBH the game should have never been as close as it was today. I thought they did a good job getting open looks for JOK, but he just couldn't hit any them. The OL held up decently as well considering they were playing against a DL full of future pros.

Rivalry wise, last years game was really the only so far during his tenure he SHOULD have won, but even that came down to the wire in OT. They were competitive with a guy under center who makes Reggie Ball look competent. I can't really be mad at that.

Bowls are usually meaningless, but I'd like to see what Peters looks like with a couple bowl practices with the ones against what should be at least competent team before I make an opinion on next years squad.

If there's one thing this staff deserves to be criticized for, it's for the handling of Peters. Aloof or not, the kid should at least have been the second stringer coming in to this season. You have to think getting second team reps during spring and fall camp and being the guy to replace Speight, would have had a big impact on his development so far.

How O handles this hire is probably going to determine whether his tenure works out or not.

Leach at UTk would be so lit :pimp:

I'm fully expecting them to hire Schiano though.

If Lane gets the Arky job, hopefully he continues to be himself. I lowkey kind of like dude now, and he actually seems like he's having fun coaching now unlike his tenures at SC and Bama.
In re: Lane at SC, remember that time during his tenure that Stanford stole a game from SC cuz of shady clock operating?

The Stanford timekeeper commits two errors in timekeeping at the end of the USC/Stanford game. First, he fails to wind the game clock down after the official replay (1:15 left). About 15 seconds run off the play clock while the game clock doesn't tick down. On the ensuing kickoff, the game clock operator fails to wind the clock until the kick returner reaches the 10 yard line; the kick returner returns the ball 13 yards without time ticking off of the game clock, allowing for another 3 seconds to remain on the clock. The game clock operator was corrected four times during the course of the game, including once at the conclusion of the 1st Half, where the game clock ticked down after USC had called a timeout. Then again, USC was the victim of poor timekeeping by Stanford in the 2002 men's basketball game at Stanford.

Well, last night on Notre Dame’s possession with about 4 minutes left in the game, the clock did not stop while the chains were being moved on Notre Dame first downs. It happened on at least three consecutive first down gains for ND.

The game refs seemed not to notice but ND fans certainly appear to have.
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in, re: Chip's staff (From Tracy at BRO so take it with a grain of salt)

I'm hearing that Chip Kelly gave up some money for himself to put into the assistant coaches salary pool.

Here's what I'm hearing about the staff:

Mark Helfrich -- QB Coach/OC
Steve Greatwood -- OL
DeShaun Foster -- RB
Jimmie Dougherty -- WR

Jerry Azzinaro -- DL/DC
Don Pellum -- LB
Keith Heyward and/or John Neal

That would be 7 or 8. NCAA rules currently allow 9 assistants, but starting Jan. 9th that goes up to 10.

So that could mean 2 or three more full-time assistants.

I'e heard that Angus McClure will get a serious look. He probably won't be considered as the DL coach, but could be picked up as special teams and/or tight ends, both of which he coached before. Many programs intend to use that 10th coaching spot as a primary recruiter and you would think that would make McClure a prime candidate.

The semi-news here is that UCLA's current DB coach, Demetrice Martin, isn't on this list, and that's what I've heard so far.

Of course, things could change. Some of the existing staff will be working because of the bowl game and continue to recruit, so Kelly and some of his new staff will get some exposure to the old staff.

Chip also kicked the tires on two coaches on SC's staff but that report didn't say which. My guess is that Nansen was one of them. Either way both coaches were said to have turned him down.
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