Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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I wonder if we go back to the Brewers about Braun only reason I think it failed was because of time.
Pinche Doyers.

What stings the most is all we needed to do was bring in Cueto last winter. 3 postseason starts to him instead of Maeda and we're probably playing game 1 of the WS this weekend. But they paid 30M to greasy *** Brett Anderson and Kazmir. Cueto even got an opt-out after 2017 and at this rate he will. We would've been golden. Instead we have McCarthy locked in for 3 more years until he's 36.
Im sure some wanted cueto but not at that price/those yrs. So we're just gonna overlook this lineup? It has as much to do with not getting past chi as the arms do.
We have the following under contract for next season as far as SP-

Not sure about anderson and ryu
And a 36 yr old FA in hill..So lets assume kaz is your #3 and then urias/deleon safely penciled in for back end of rotation or at least competing for spots..what do u do with mccarthy?

As for bats....well..yall already know what we need.
Getting paid $35 million this year and not getting it done for the 4th year in a row is not proving his playoff worth.
Come on, I know it's a rough night tonight and things aren't going LA's way so far but you can't possible mean this. You understand that the Dodgers probably aren't in a Game 6 in the NLCS this season without Kershaw right? Dude hasn't been the greatest tonight, but it's not like he's been a bum this post season. Trust me, there's no team in the Majors that wouldn't pay Kershaw what LA is paying him.
my god yall just going to keep given him a past each post season arent you?
Even if Kersh pitched a gem out bats were trash this series. Kersh gave us all he had and he pitched a lot for someone who's coming off an injury. I'd rather have him than not have him.
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Kersh is the least of our problems. Season on the line and we sent the minimum 27 batters tonight. Good lawd the offense was pathetic all series :lol: :smh:
DR put us in positions to win. Our future is bright with him as our skipper.
DR put us in positions to win. Our future is bright with him as our skipper.
We just need more better right handed hitters and one more good starter and another reliable reliever
Hope Friedman succeeds in the offseason
I think Trayce Thompson's injury is bigger than most have stated. Dude's bat came through before his back started going out.
The outfield is pretty stacked next year. They can focus on the pen and rotation and getting a big bat at 2nd. Joc/Toles/Ethier/Thompson/SVS/Kendrick/Puig(for now). I can see Puig being shipped for a pitcher. Hopefully JDL and urias can fill the 3/4 or 4/5 spots. Maybe Ryu comes back and fills the 2/3 spot and then sign a legit 2. I happy we have a manager for the long future now. I'm excited fellas for the next few years things look to be falling into place. The team is real young and should be competitive for the next 5 or 6 years and if injuries do occur Doc looks like he can handle that.
Puig gonna be traded for peanuts, But it'll be addition by subtraction

Would be great get a bat that actually scares the opposing pitcher. Seager/turner are good, but I'm still waiting for that bat that intimidates the pitcher and is a homerun threat every at bat
Hey if they flip Puig for some reliable pen arms then I'm happy. I'm not asking for miller but if we can get some Jeff Nelson type reliable guys I'm all for it. Yes that's an old yankee reference.
Dodgers said last year they will not overpay for anyone. I think Turner will resign, but Jansen will have plenty offers elsewhere.
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