You mentioned every ethnicity, yet you failed to mention being Black.
That is very telling.
There are some who choose the way of the immigrant. The model minority who suggests that if you work hard, you can make it in this world, and you won't offend the white man who owns everything. Then there is the path of the conscious individual who realizes the oppression is the very thing that places limits upon who you are, then who you want to be. It is the exact opposite of free will. There was a time in this country that when you immigrated here, you had to have a sponsor, and that sponsor had to be considered white and Christian. This encouraged the immigrant to behave, then not being a burden upon the system that was built for Whites. You know, welfare and stuff like that. They told the immigrants that if you fell upon the system, you be jailed, placed debtors prison, then deported. So that threat ensured that you would work hard, then bragging about it. It is because you knew your place.
Then there are those of us who refuse to forget what our ancestors went through, and that is who you are talking to right now.