Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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Easy for us to say. We don't have to play for legacies.

SuperTeams is a Media/Fan creation in response to every convo ending in, "But how many rings does he have?"
Little do they know the same fans are going to trash them when they do win, because haters can always twist themselves into the logic they need to keep hating.
yeah I don't wanna get my news from a dweeb that looks like the villan from Recess


I thought Venom ended this dude

if your a star player without a chip every conversation ends with 'when are you getting a ring?'
I can see why dudes are tired of dealing with it, i feel like having a chip doesn't matter nearly as much between peers

I def think it matters when you are getting to a certain echolon tho, nobody is gonna say your not a HOF'er a top 50 player etc etc if you don't have a ring. However it does get difficult to start claiming so & so is a top 20 player ever, he's the best Guard of all time etc etc if they don't have any, considering they are being compared to guys who are individually just as good as them but also have the championships & playoff experience to differentiate them.
The "How many rings he have?" was soley for Lebron. I don't recall any other superstar having to hear that before Lebron. Also, I don't know of any other player being anointed the GOAT without winning anything before Lebron. So if yall looking for someone to blame then......

Not true. Lack of rings was/is brought up all the time with Barkley, Karl Malone, Pat Ewing to name a few:
I def think it matters when you are getting to a certain echolon tho, nobody is gonna say your not a HOF'er a top 50 player etc etc if you don't have a ring. However it does get difficult to start claiming so & so is a top 20 player ever, he's the best Guard of all time etc etc if they don't have any, considering they are being compared to guys who are individually just as good as them but also have the championships & playoff experience to differentiate them.
It is funny though because much of that simply boils down to luck of the draw, IE: Which team are you fortunate enough to play on.

There is NOTHING else Allen Iverson could have done to be part of a championship squad.

I think people forget this is a team spot at times
None of who you mentioned were ever prematurely put in GOAT conversations though.
The argument wasn't whether or not they were put in GOAT conversations though.

The convo is about how people's CAREERS are discredited for not acquiring a ring. Ewing, Barkley, Malone, Stockton have all had their careers looked at funny because they weren't PART of championship TEAMS.
I'm just different. I would give no dambs what people say about me and my accomplishments. I just care about what the bank statements say. That tells me whether i had a great career or not

Rings are so overrated.

I wouldn't say overrated, these are top level competitors and winning is the name of the game for them. Money will always be attainable for people at as high a level as the superstars of the league, a ring signifies being the best.
I'm just different. I would give no dambs what people say about me and my accomplishments. I just care about what the bank statements say. That tells me whether i had a great career or not

Rings are so overrated.

While i agree that generally people shouldn't base their accomplishments off other people's perception, i won't go as far as saying rings are overrated. your talking about pro athletes who have been in a competitive sport for most of their lives... a championship is the culmination of everything you've worked hard for your entire life. it's that fight to be the best i would imagine that's a big draw to great NBA players.
The "How many rings he have?" was soley for Lebron. I don't recall any other superstar having to hear that before Lebron. Also, I don't know of any other player being anointed the GOAT without winning anything before Lebron. So if yall looking for someone to blame then......
Bolded Portion: Completely untrue. Maybe YOU didn't notice it due to age/awareness, whatever. But to say it began with LeBron is revising history.

Also, LeBron being the "goat" didn't pick up considerable steam until after he won. Before the Cleveland ring, you were stilled viewed as a drunk if you made that claim. Post-CLE ring, it picked up REAL steam.
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