Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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was elton brand even good. his career stats looking trash

Amazing player till his Achilles injury. Rebounding and blocking were amazing on top of his productive scoring. Wish he had played on a better team than the Clippers.

Post-injury he was never quite the same but still a serviceable player.
Update: “Kawhi feels like he needs more time to make his decision. He will be taking a shot vacation to Turks and Caicos and will update again afterward. Have a nice 4th of July.”

If this is the case, all the twitter nerds working in San Francisco need to ******* delete cris carter’s account for constant inappropriate misuse and abuse of free speech
At the bank applying for a loan, so he can pay all his bets.

Y'all goofy asses do realize only way I lose is if he goes to the Clippers right? I bet Shoeking he's staying in Toronto. Nobody else took my Laker bet.
Amazing player till his Achilles injury. Rebounding and blocking were amazing on top of his productive scoring. Wish he had played on a better team than the Clippers.

Post-injury he was never quite the same but still a serviceable player.

The Brand-Cassell-Mobley-Kaman Clippers were a good team. They were a bonehead play away from taking a 3-2 lead over the Nash Suns in the 2nd round of the playoffs. It all kind of fell apart after he got injured that Summer.

Tim Thomas couldn’t quite replicate EB’s production.
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