Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

We added veterans and shooters this time instead of washed up vets and unknown foreign players

i think KD wanted to come here he just didnt want to go by himself... kyrie didnt trust the front office aka dolan... this free agency shows that stars dont want to come here until dolan sells ths team... only hope is to rebuild through the draft and have some luck with trades...yall are delusional thinking we can get #8 seed lmao... we will win 30 games this year is my guess

we need an off the court sharpshooter

if you know what i mean
Yeah we did well. Dudes blaming the knicks because grown men chose not to come here.

Some people mad about no leg kd and weirdo kyrie not coming over some are just frustrated and pissed at the organization. No matter what we do we fail b and there is no end in sight. glad you guys could be optimistic and I know we havinet mad the playoffs in forever and it would be an improvement but I don’t give a dam about no 8 seed. I want to win the division and be a legit threat to win a championship and not a laughing stock of team and brand and under Dolan that’s all we have ever been. Some positives with these small short term contracts but we’re still bleeding out.
I will say this, we kept losing games and I think I even said it in here. That's not appealing to free agents and it scared me. Tying a record for most losses is terrible. Probably would be real different if we won 30-40 games.
This roster is gonna look UGLY. Idc care about all this "good professional signing" talk. We're gonna stink!

Too much weight on DSJr's shoulder to make an offense run with no one that can create a shot for themselves.

Hopefully we get another top 5 pick cause I don't like what was done with the roster outside of Randle.
I will say this, we kept losing games and I think I even said it in here. That's not appealing to free agents and it scared me. Tying a record for most losses is terrible. Probably would be real different if we won 30-40 games.
I keep asking when's the last time the WORST team in the league landed a prime FA and the best anyone could come up with is Bron to LA, like they weren't 12 games away from .500 and better than 4 other teams in their conference alone. Losing only appeals to draft picks who have no choice. Having a first round exit when you weren't supposed to sniff the playoffs means more to players plain and simple. Melo came when it looked like we had some potential and not a sinking vessel.
The league of full of bums... Outside the top 20 or 25 players. Everyone else is literally just tall dudes that haven't injured themselves yet...

Yeah we still have ball dominant players but most guys today are one handed bandits. Can't shoot, can't pass.

A bunch of guys who set screens and try to catch alley oops.
This roster is gonna look UGLY. Idc care about all this "good professional signing" talk. We're gonna stink!
Facts. Some fans been sippin the kool aid for too long now that they settle for a 8th seed. Disgusting. We been complete trash for decades that’s we willl settle for a team that just plays hard nightly and barley sneak into the playoffs and talk it up as progress. Gimme a break. Every year we say next year next year. Next year comes then we say next year when so and so is a free agent and we could trade for this guy and sign a bunch of vets and nada. I’m tired of waiting for next year and failing again dammit. We need competent ownership that won’t settle for a scrubby team.
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