Maybe Pelosi and Trump will get into an old fashioned bidding war.

Do I hear $2500?

This jabroni is going to play hardball and not sign anything by tomorrow's deadline. Terrible.
.... but bailing out BILLIONAIRE corporations, or having guys worth billions has been I guess.... fiscally more acceptable??? Make it make sense. What’s wrong with everyone above 18 years of age being given a monthly stipend of a few thousand dollars....

.... when we have billionaires all over the country. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE....

I'm right there with you fam. universal basic income is def something i'd love to see implemented. i personally think Americans are...too individualistic to cosign that. between an oddly irrational fear of socialism and the general sense of fk you, every man for themselves ideology, the concept of everyone getting a helping hand will never fully take root in our society.


beats me. honestly, id have no issue paying taxes or higher taxes if a lot of the gov't spending was reinvested back to us.

free universal healthcare (imperfections aside)? free/LOW cost higher education? universal free pre-k? universal paid maternity leave for both parents? no more potholes or collapsing bridges? high quality veteran assistance? investing in mental health care? expanding economic opportunities for minorities/people of color/native peoples? investing in STEM fields? getting the new york knicks a winning roster?

one higher tax rate please

also i don't necssarily mind the concept of billionares. i don't cosign bailing them out. but to be filthy rich off the backs of people making below the cost of living is unethical. that is my biggest issue.

Excuse my ignorance, but why is the US handing out so much money to foreign countries?

loaded question. american imperialism, geopolitics, many reasons honestly. but usually the go to reason is the tried and true "national security" or "our interests" ...whatever.

even trump don’t mess with him

but I know someone that does

...deadass this man's face offends me.

Maybe Pelosi and Trump will get into an old fashioned bidding war.

Do I hear $2500?



lmfao yo i gotta say the internets can really meme the **** out of our gov't. nothing else you can say these days, midas well meme it.
I’d have an issue paying higher taxes but I would have no issue paying what I pay now if it’s sent back our way in one form or another.

I don’t have to personally benefit from it but as long as the community does I’m happy.
Why 5400 pages if we can just have a stand alone bill on the side for direct relief?

I don’t get it
The whole agenda with passing bills is to take on a lot of issues, start a lot of initiatives, and address as many problems as possible dealing with the main topic at once (even address things that have nothing tondo with the topic) when money is involved.

Also I'm sure they would disagree what constitutes direct relief. I'm sure the stuff for unemployment, bailouts, and restricting companies from doing foul **** are priorities as well.

Pelosi is just trying to amend a dollar amount
$600, $2K, whatever, is is still at the threshold for those who make $70K or less annually?
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