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1a. Petersen left as much because he doesn’t get along with the new administration as because of any P5 burnout he feels.
1b. And to whoever asked, no he absolutely would not be down for SEC style recruiting. You’d have to surround him with people who will take care of all of that for him, but even then he doesn’t star chase and does the clemson high character recruits thing. None of that would go over well in BR.
1c. Idk that he’s a cultural fit for the Deep South. He’s a pretty straight shooter whose publicly spoken politics seemed fairly anti-Trump (among other things he talked a o it holding a team meeting after trump won the election and he had players crying and he told them that if they don’t like the result then they need to get more involved civically and vote and change it.)

2. Idk that LSU makes sense as a job for Franklin. There’s already threads on tiger droppings claiming a black agenda and conspiracy between him and LSU’s president to undercut Woodward bringing in a championship coach in Jimbo. He’d be on the hot seat after 9-3, and with UGA and Bama in conference there could be plenty of those years. In happy valley he’s going to have that job as long as he wants even if he is always second fiddle to OSU and mich. It’s one of the reasons people question if usc makes sense for him despite it being a similar situation to lsu with less Saban on the schedule.
1a. Petersen left as much because he doesn’t get along with the new administration as because of any P5 burnout he feels.
1b. And to whoever asked, no he absolutely would not be down for SEC style recruiting. You’d have to surround him with people who will take care of all of that for him, but even then he doesn’t star chase and does the clemson high character recruits thing. None of that would go over well in BR.
1c. Idk that he’s a cultural fit for the Deep South. He’s a pretty straight shooter whose publicly spoken politics seemed fairly anti-Trump (among other things he talked a o it holding a team meeting after trump won the election and he had players crying and he told them that if they don’t like the result then they need to get more involved civically and vote and change it.)

2. Idk that LSU makes sense as a job for Franklin. There’s already threads on tiger droppings claiming a black agenda and conspiracy between him and LSU’s president to undercut Woodward bringing in a championship coach in Jimbo. He’d be on the hot seat after 9-3, and with UGA and Bama in conference there could be plenty of those years. In happy valley he’s going to have that job as long as he wants even if he is always second fiddle to OSU and mich. It’s one of the reasons people question if usc makes sense for him despite it being a similar situation to lsu with less Saban on the schedule.
1) Largely agree on Petersen... I think he's just done and over it in general - but maybe after sitting a year or two away and being on TV he's got the itch. Definitely think he's a better fit for the West Coast and should just wait for something in California or Mario to leave Oregon, maybe.

2) I don't disagree on Franklin at LSU, either, though I just think that job makes more sense for him than SC given where he's been and where all of his coaching contacts and recruiting base has been his whole career..

There have been pretty steady whispers from the get-go on this thing that LSU's admin/power people above Woodward were prioritizing minority candidates and that's the direction they want to go.

It doesn't sound like Woodward is going to have the level of latitude he had at A&M when it comes to just making his own decisions and getting what he wants.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

That's just how Jimbo talks... About literally everything. :lol: It's always a million miles a minute and jumping from topic to topic and point to point on a dime without finishing thoughts. :lol:

If he does leave A&M, it's not going to be for a lack of getting exactly what he wants exactly when he wants it. He's been given everything and then some.

I still think that bridge was probably already crossed and A&M caught wind of something before the season. The timing of that extension was always kinda bizarre.
There have been pretty steady whispers from the get-go on this thing that LSU's admin/power people above Woodward were prioritizing minority candidates and that's the direction they want to go.
That seems… weird. Wanting a minority face to guide them through the post-Title IX mess era?
A "black agenda" these scums are idiots. This is why I root for any Black coaching in the South.
Wouldn't be upset if Diaz replaces Grantham.
Mullen and Diaz have worked together before so he has experience with Mullen’s stubbornness and ego.
That seems… weird. Wanting a minority face to guide them through the post-Title IX mess era?
Who knows - it could also totally be message board nonsense.

But they've got a lot of scummy **** going on even aside from the Title IX stuff.

Might just be a HEY LOOK WE'RE NOT *** BACKWARDS EVERYWHERE kinda show - which is... sad.

On Manny Diaz - could see him being a guy for A&M if this is the offseason Elko finally gets a lower-P5 or good G5 gig.
Wouldn't be upset if Diaz replaces Grantham.
Mullen and Diaz have worked together before so he has experience with Mullen’s stubbornness and ego.
Yea, he’d make a lot of sense there. Mullen hired him twice I believe. Manny’s scheme needs some tweaking though. Curious to see if he’s stubborn enough to change or if he just is who he is.
1) Largely agree on Petersen... I think he's just done and over it in general - but maybe after sitting a year or two away and being on TV he's got the itch. Definitely think he's a better fit for the West Coast and should just wait for something in California or Mario to leave Oregon, maybe.

2) I don't disagree on Franklin at LSU, either, though I just think that job makes more sense for him than SC given where he's been and where all of his coaching contacts and recruiting base has been his whole career..

There have been pretty steady whispers from the get-go on this thing that LSU's admin/power people above Woodward were prioritizing minority candidates and that's the direction they want to go.

It doesn't sound like Woodward is going to have the level of latitude he had at A&M when it comes to just making his own decisions and getting what he wants.

That's just how Jimbo talks... About literally everything. :lol: It's always a million miles a minute and jumping from topic to topic and point to point on a dime without finishing thoughts. :lol:

If he does leave A&M, it's not going to be for a lack of getting exactly what he wants exactly when he wants it. He's been given everything and then some.

I still think that bridge was probably already crossed and A&M caught wind of something before the season. The timing of that extension was always kinda bizarre.
The one thing I’ll say about Jimbo at A&M:

He’s Woodward’s boy and Woodward gave him that trash contract at A&M with zero buyout most likely for this exact scenario where he could come hire him away later. The contract doesn’t really make sense outside of that conspiracy theory.
The one thing I’ll say about Jimbo at A&M:

He’s Woodward’s boy and Woodward gave him that trash contract at A&M with zero buyout most likely for this exact scenario where he could come hire him away later. The contract doesn’t really make sense outside of that conspiracy theory.
Eh - they gave him a new deal completely separate if Woodward and were comfortable enough with everything that I don’t believe his extension even has buyout language in it.

I also largely think buyouts are nonsense at that level anyways. The number of elite coaches with buyout dollar figures that actually matter is almost zero.

If LSU wanted Jimbo and he wanted to go, there’s no realistic buyout figure that ever would’ve been agreed to that would’ve stopped him.

If Dabo decides he wants Bama, that specific language in his deal with Clemson doesn’t matter.
Do you really need a buyout when your contract is like $90 mill guaranteed or whatever Jimbo’s is? It would take such a ridiculous deal for him to walk away from that.
LOL at Rolovich. He ever provide documentation on that religious exemption?
Yeah. Problem is to get the exemption you need to prove you’ve denied almost all other vaccine shots and similar medicines due to your religion.

Rolovich was a professional football player so I’d wager he’s had his fair share of elective shots. He’s also a state employee so to get the Wazzu job he probably would have had to have all those other vaccines first.
Do you really need a buyout when your contract is like $90 mill guaranteed or whatever Jimbo’s is? It would take such a ridiculous deal for him to walk away from that.

Saban doesn’t have a buyout. Dabo’s is negligible for everywhere but Bama and even Bama it’s a couple mil. Most other coaches it’s a million bucks or less.

They’re largely irrelevant.
Yeah. Problem is to get the exemption you need to prove you’ve denied almost all other vaccine shots and similar medicines due to your religion.

Rolovich was a professional football player so I’d wager he’s had his fair share of elective shots. He’s also a state employee so to get the Wazzu job he probably would have had to have all those other vaccines first.
And he’s from a Catholic background…and the Pope has made a statement that everybody needs to get vaccinated…
WASHINGTON STATE MOMENTS AGO issued a statement on Nick Rolovich's firing, and the ascendancy of Jake Dickert to the head football coach position. Assistant coaches Ricky Logo (DTs); John Richardson; (CBs) Craig Stutzmann (co-OC/QBs) and Mark Weber (OL) were also let go.

Obviously this guy didn't know his position very well. The only way you can publicly pull the anti-vaccination stuff is if you You're a good, winning head coach. This guy and his staff pretty much gave the university an easy way to fire them all for cause and not pay their buyout.
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