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Anything juicy with, O? My body is ready for some spicy grown man stories.
At the risk of looking like a Michigan fan scared of Mel Tucker, I thought this was interesting.

The come-up is real.
2018 UGA defensive coordinator
2019 Colorado head coach
2020-2021 Michigan State head coach
2022 LSU head coach?

Love to see black men come up.
Well deserved if he gets it.

I would guess he’s comfortably ahead of Aranda in the pecking order if it’s not a “big” name. Just seems like a more dynamic guy with some gravity to him.
The come-up is real.
2018 UGA defensive coordinator
2019 Colorado head coach
2020-2021 Michigan State head coach
2022 LSU head coach?

Love to see black men come up.

when Michigan state came a knocking, he dropped us buffaloes like a sack of potatoes. I miss that guy.
There’s not a single team from the state of Florida in the AP top 25, that’s gotta be the first time that’s ever happened

Well then x2

That’s really good for them. They’ve been a totally different team with Cam Rising.

I still think about how Whit never fired his DC who called kids the n word though, with one instance documented and confessed to, and still has said coach as HC in waiting.
Now the real question.. do they fold up and quit or does he get that weird USC interim coach bounce and effort?

If I’m him, why coach out the year? **** you, fire me. You come at me for cause and I’ve got all your skeletons ready to dump in the yard on my way out.
Because the ugly way he handled things at USC after they passed on giving him the job almost blackballed him. There were some people who didn’t want him brought on staff at LSU (maybe because they knew it opened the possibility for him to get the interim tag while they were trying to oust Les and a good run could force them to retain him.)

He can’t go scorched earth again. O has image clean up to do for a few reasons, which sounds weird to say about a guy who just won a title.

Because the ugly way he handled things at USC after they passed on giving him the job almost blackballed him. There were some people who didn’t want him brought on staff at LSU (maybe because they knew it opened the possibility for him to get the interim tag while they were trying to oust Les and a good run could force them to retain him.)

He can’t go scorched earth again. O has image clean up to do for a few reasons, which sounds weird to say about a guy who just won a title.

I feel like I remember thinking at the time there was never a chance in hell he got the USC gig. But didn’t the players want him? Feels like I remember that USC team rallied around him hard.
I feel like I remember thinking at the time there was never a chance in hell he got the USC gig. But didn’t the players want him? Feels like I remember that USC team rallied around him hard.
He was named interim before ND and lost a close but bad game to them, then upset a good Stanford team then won out up to UCLA.

He was told behind the scenes by Pat Haden that they’d announce he was hired, win or lose, after the game, then he lost ugly to UCLA and boosters and trustees were furious. A bunch of them didn’t want him hired to begin with because he had the Cajun accent and was a recovered alcoholic so he didn’t really like to party with them (hilarious considering his issues right now.) Him losing to both rivals, and especially to UCLA, did him in.

After the game Pat Haden left without speaking to Ed O, they never announced he was hired and then two days later they announced they were hiring Sark without telling O first.

They asked O to stay on as DC and Assoc. HC and were going to make him the highest paid assistant in the country (they were gonna give him a HC level salary.) He threw a tantrum in the offices (my boy was in an office next door and heard him cursing at and threatening the AD Haden) and then O stormed out and drove off without ever speaking to the players. Helton was brought in to talk to the kids and made interim to keep things together through the bowl game when Sark would take over. Helton blew out Derek Carr’s 11 win Fresno State team, and this ironically set up the next 8 years of SC with everyone seeing Helton as the stable reasonable anchor on staff.
Wait… do people not know about O’s days coaching at Miami? He’s has permanent orders of protection against him and had to attend court mandated domestic abuse counseling. Bar fights and other stuff too. Thankfully he’s clean now but I think it’s why the recent serial womanizing has people concerned.

O is a scumbag
Baylor ran a sex ring and that was swept under the rug. Urban was a constant sleez and now he’s in the nfl. I’m sure any O stories will just fade away in a week
I love college football but man...they really let a ton of scumbags coach these kids.
I do wonder, too, if we see Chris Petersen’s name pop up for LSU at all.

Big name guy and obviously strong ties to Woodward.
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