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This **** is so stupid man
mjlol (1) (1).png

ESPN makes it so that basically every team that has a winning record makes it to a bowl game by having a million different bowls. Then, the “analysts” go on and say that the kids don’t care about these bowl games like we did. Well, there probably weren’t 30 bowl games back in the 1990s. What a bunch of bums.

This **** is so stupid man
mjlol (1) (1).png

These guys are literally on a weekly television show that perpetuates the whole " who's in?" College football playoff centric mentality yet they're complaining about players only caring about playing in the playoffs.

Also, everyone else in the CFB ecosystem is trying to maximize every dollar ( athletic directors, coaches, administrators, the folks broker TV deals, etc) do what's best for them personally and professionally, yet players are expected to be selfless.

Coaches are making $10m/year and leave under the cover of darkness for better jobs yet we criticize players For being selfish
These guys are literally on a weekly television show that perpetuates the whole " who's in?" College football playoff centric mentality yet they're complaining about players only caring about playing in the playoffs.

Also, everyone else in the CFB ecosystem is trying to maximize every dollar ( athletic directors, coaches, administrators, the folks broker TV deals, etc) do what's best for them personally and professionally, yet players are expected to be selfless.

Coaches are making $10m/year and leave under the cover of darkness for better jobs yet we criticize players For being selfish
Joel Klatt started in on this **** this week too on Dallas radio just going at A&M’s throat over the COVID cancellation.

Talking about how it didn’t feel like programs were doing everything they could to play, how players were quitting on teams, how coaches at what he called lesser programs are failing to foster cultures of buy-in (thus opt outs and starting QBs hitting the portal) and how it all made him sick to his stomach and blah blah blah.

So stupid.
Really annoying of Kirk to talk down on these kids in the interest of his master, ESPN. :smh:

Not that I'm surprised given how Woj/Shefter/Stephen A are used to better their interests.

But Kirk should absolutely know better.
ESPN makes it so that basically every team that has a winning record makes it to a bowl game by having a million different bowls. Then, the “analysts” go on and say that the kids don’t care about these bowl games like we did. Well, there probably weren’t 30 bowl games back in the 1990s. What a bunch of bums.

Even the schools at .500 get to go to bowls. Saw quite a few 6-6 teams playing each other. All you need is 6 wins to become eligible, couple years ago some broadcasters were making a big deal out of a game because one was 5-6 on final week and ended up winning to become “bowl eligible”
Why did Penn State give James Franklin all that money?
Cause his agent is second to none in getting it out they he may leave for another job and no school wants to go through that whole process.

Also, :lol::lol: at Kirk & co. Aren’t the guys opting out doing it cause they’re projected to get drafted and don’t want to risk injury? **** outta here talking bout guys don’t love football.

Wanted Freeman to start off with a dub at ND. I should’ve known better.
A couple teams went to bowl games winning less than 6 last year.

Yeah just ridiculous. Why would I want to go play in these meaningless bowl games.

If it aint CFP or New Years Six I wouldn’t. Even the New Years would warrant discussion if I’m projected 1st or 2nd round
There must be quite a few female refs in college football. The one they just showed in this ND/OSU game the first one I ever seen in college.

Must be quite a few seems like there’s be stories bout like the pros have had with their 2

This **** is so stupid man
mjlol (1) (1).png

Rememeber when Charlie Ward said he wouldn’t go to the NFL if he wasn’t a first round pick? Remember Rocket Ismael taking more money to go to Canada over the NFL? Elway and Eli circumventing the draft?

Maurice Clarett??? Players have always rightfully been ENTITLED in regards to their PROFESSIONAL prospectus.

I can’t stand Desmond Howard or Kirk
I’m not sure I wanna see Ohio state Utah but this 7 degree temp is really limiting my options.
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