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I see ATL taking game 7 if Simmons don't level up.

All the pressure is on Philly. Hawks gonna be loose af
Yup, and we already know about Coach Doc. Wasn't Phil Jackson talkn bout Doc one of the worst 4th qtr coaches of all time lol
Sixers gonna be the team loose af IMO

they playing at home, Embiid already put the word in to get his shenanigans called and most importantly it’s Father’s Day and guess who became a dad last year….

Embiid might have 50
Draymond Green would never get cooked like this
fake DPOTY Gobert
carry on
ever ever. literally not never. I've never seen the offence legit hunt down the DPOY and make sure hes the player on the switch. He was on the menu. Mans was looking like assorted macarons surrounding a chocolate souffle with sprinkled powder sugar just over the ridge; and accompanying it on the side is a perfectly browned and glassy creme brulee. That Rudy. Rudy the Pastry Chef. flourless *****
This **** is gonna go for 10k+ :lol:
Sixers/Hawks game was boring. Wish both of em could've lost.

Jazz/clips game was pretty entertaining. Pretty sure either team would beat winner sixers/hawks
Utah needs to blow it up. It’s over. Only “spider” that gets respect is “spyda” at the was a LONG time ago
Go watch some Zion highlights
Lol you know I'm right. Your second best player had like 5 points and kept getting taken out in the fourth so he wouldn't get fouled. On the other side, Trae Young balled out but he had no other help. Both sides in general struggled on offense
Give Ty Lue his flowers…

I wonder if Lue is still no different than Luke Walton ? According to these intelligent takes yo shouldn’t even be coaching :lol: :smh:

Tyrone Lue is never talked about as one of the worst defensive coaches.

His team's always underperform their talent level on defense.

And he always goes all offense and tries to outscore you the minute theirs a little bit adversity. 0

Tyrone Lue at his finest.

How long is Lue gunna Live of the 3-1 Warriors comeback.

He was LeBron's assistant coach anyways.

Bron got ty lue the clout he needed to get another hc job

dude is horrible
Lue living off that 2016 chip
Ty lue ain’t been it. I think he never recovered from the AI step over tbh
Lakers really dodged a bullet. Wasn’t Ty Lue, Magic’s choice? :lol:
Ty Lue has never really been a good coach when he actually had to coach.
Ty Lue is never going to have a job again.
I mean why did anybody think Ty Lue was some good coach? One of the best players ever liked him and knew he’d be subordinate and they won a title. Didn’t have a damn thing to do with him :lol:
Black Luke Walton with better players. Both are sorry.
Ty Lue and Luke Walton have to play 1 on 1. Loser is the worst coach in the league.
Lue needs to be fired. His defensive strategy is remedial
PG and Kawhi shook. Lue a trash coach.
What made the clippers think ty lue was the answer honestly?
Clippers vs the Suns.. bet most people didn't see this coming for the WCF.
most of us did actually lol. Once the weak *** lakers went down, knew nobody would stop phx til wcf. and i had clippers there before this started. was rocky vs dallas and utah, but i never believed in either of those teams.

East is more surprising. didnt expect atl/phi to go 7. nor bk/mil to go 7. wouldve been done in 5. but injuries are a part of the game. gotta do what you can with what you got.

could be atlanta and milwaukee in the ecf

or philly and BK.

i dont man. i still believe BK wins it all, but injuries have hampered some things. James gotta be james. Maybe some of those bucks players choke on the road, bright lights of NY
Lol you know I'm right. Your second best player had like 5 points and kept getting taken out in the fourth so he wouldn't get fouled. On the other side, Trae Young balled out but he had no other help. Both sides in general struggled on offense
No you’re wrong. Simmons is not the 2nd best player. Maybe 5 if we’re being serious
It's pretty evident and players dont respect or fear DPOY Rudy Poo Candy *** Jabroni. They dont care about his stature, his accolades, his awards and designations. Dudes be tryna yam on him nightly. And they want him on the switch. They be having the Jazz game circled in 3 marker colors. And I think a lot of them are still tight about this covid then. I bet some still legit think he brought covid into our lives and ruined the nba.
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