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I agree this is senseless. However, yesterday I feel I saw as many, if not more, tweets about Bron being the first active player to earn $1B as I did anything Bucks/Giannis related and I’m torn about that one because that’s a pretty significant accomplishment by Bron
Two separate things IMO. The NBA is a basketball company, and they just had their championship conclude. They should be focusing on that, and not trying to insert someone else into the narrative on the same day the championship parade happened.

That's ridiculous.
Random, but I just realized Giannis, for his career, is 72% from the line. Which obviously isn’t great, but the way people heckle him about it I thought he was well in the 50s :lol:

Edit: for context, Tim Duncan was 70%.
It's different when you're billed as a wing player vs a big. For example Bron is at 73% for his career and that is abysmal for a wing player.
Brandon Jennings does nothing, we see him in the locker room, on the parade, EVERYWHERE, #bucksin6 trending.

Lebron makes $1b, there's like a half dozen mentions on social media.

- them: "Ohmigosh, so funny seeing this irrelevant guy pop up out of nowhere all over the place now. I love it! Do your thing, Brandon!"

- also them: "Uuuuugh, get him off my screen! Let Giannis & Khris'nem have the spotlight! Stop forcefeeding him to me! Eff you, Lebron!"

You all just really hate buddy. Over what? Your love of Kobe? Steph'nem? Jordan? KD?

Flowers. A billion of 'em. It's not taking the spotlight from Giannis and the Bucks. There's plenty of flowers in the garden. Stop acting like we have a limited supply of props.

We can celebrate Giannis and the Bucks WHILE ALSO going through the Olympics WHILE ALSO looking forward to the upcoming NFL season WHILE ALSO talking about the White Sox WHILE ALSO bigging up Lebron's $1 billion.

What EYE got out of the last page or so of the thread is that LeBron being the first active NBA player to earn a $billie is incredible and should be celebrated.

The NBA social media people tacking on a picture of someone not involved in the Finals to pictures of the Bucks celebration was random and weird. That someone happened to be LeBron. antidope antidope can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think he would have felt the same way if that was a picture of MJ or Magic smoking a cigar and not Bron.
What EYE got out of the last page or so of the thread is that LeBron being the first active NBA player to earn a $billie is incredible and should be celebrated.

The NBA social media people tacking on a picture of someone not involved in the Finals to pictures of the Bucks celebration was random and weird. That someone happened to be LeBron. antidope antidope can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think he would have felt the same way if that was a picture of MJ or Magic smoking a cigar and not Bron.
Correct. Not so much the fact that it was LeBron (I also heard what Giannis said in the video), just doesn't seem like they should be attaching other stories to the champions right now
Brandon Jennings does nothing, we see him in the locker room, on the parade, EVERYWHERE, #bucksin6 trending.

Lebron makes $1b, there's like a half dozen mentions on social media.

- them: "Ohmigosh, so funny seeing this irrelevant guy pop up out of nowhere all over the place now. I love it! Do your thing, Brandon!"

- also them: "Uuuuugh, get him off my screen! Let Giannis & Khris'nem have the spotlight! Stop forcefeeding him to me! Eff you, Lebron!"

You all just really hate buddy. Over what? Your love of Kobe? Steph'nem? Jordan? KD?

Flowers. A billion of 'em. It's not taking the spotlight from Giannis and the Bucks. There's plenty of flowers in the garden. Stop acting like we have a limited supply of props.

We can celebrate Giannis and the Bucks WHILE ALSO going through the Olympics WHILE ALSO looking forward to the upcoming NFL season WHILE ALSO talking about the White Sox WHILE ALSO bigging up Lebron's $1 billion.

I'm a huge fan of Bron though. Wasn't hate by any means and I was the one who posted the $1BN post. He's the man.
Since we’re already talking about him, has LeBron at any time during his career been the highest paid player in the NBA? No, right?
I'm a huge fan of Bron though. Wasn't hate by any means and I was the one who posted the $1BN post. He's the man.
No, no, wasn't necessarily going at you. I was just speaking to a couple general vibes I was picking up, perhaps even falsely.


This is WEIRD and annoying. It hasn't even been TWO DAYS. Let Giannis and the Bucks have a moment.

EYE get what your saying but in the clip Giannis mentioned he wanted a cigar like Lebby did last year and NBA was just piggybacking off of that showing Lebby smoking his cigar last year.

I didn't really see it as insert Lebby into any and every thing with no rhyme or reason just because thing.

This is WEIRD and annoying. It hasn't even been TWO DAYS. Let Giannis and the Bucks have a moment.

Giannis literally mentions Lebron by name lol
They posted the picture Giannis is referencing lol
How is that random?
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So with the cap rising they said Luka is on projected to earn up 700 Mil on contracts alone if hes a max player well into his 30’s . He and Zion gonna be billionaires too at this rate. Inflation of course will make it somewhat more attainable as well.
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