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I know most americans aren't aware of the meaning of carnival and just consider it a fun cultural quirk so I was also sure once he found out the level of offense he was committing he'd change direction. It was all quite funny to me :lol:
No lie, me and my sister thought it was outta pocket but had a good laugh over how brazen they were to attempt it. :lol:
a NT member is convinced had pants had pants is a robot
Back when he had his old firmware...
Wow...1 more episode left, fellas.

-RIP Gus Fring Sr. and Mickey. That entire exchange scene definitely had me on edge.
-Charlie and Meyer are not be to reckoned with. Both of them have truly evolved into formidable gangsters.
-Nucky giving it up all for family. I wonder if he's going to do same for Gillian. Now that we are given a more in-depth look into her past, it's sad to say her whole life is truly tragic and she was only trying to survive.
-Commodore :smh:. Conduct yourself with honor?
-Johnny Torrio. Still can't believe he sold Nucky out but then again, this is mafia/gangster warfare.
-The scene and line delivered by Eli and his son outside his work - "I told myself if he was doing okay, it was worth it. And here you are. The right side of the street," brought them feels.
-Upon further investigation, the-Voice quality song Benny so emphatically sang is real. Search 'Harry Roy & His Orchestra 1931'.
-Margaret stays scheming but this time alongside Nuck. Can't be mad about that.
-I wonder who Luciano is referring to when he mentioned he's got somebody on the inside. That Tommy kid?
-1 more episode. Fall Sunday nights are not going to be the same. Gentleman, it's been a pleasure.

"Sometimes the celebration is worth the wait."
"But you don't have to with Prime Next-Day delivery"

-Real talk though. I am just imagining the tone-deaf marketing meeting that took place to come up with this name. Like now one even hit Wiki before landing on this :lol:

We joke about Juneeeth, but if we lived in a different time I love to see the nonsense white folk come up with as marketing campaigns. The meetings I have with older white folk still be wild in 2021. I could only imagine the **** that was said in the 1980s when there were hardly any minorities in the room, and political correctness wars of the 90s haven't started yet.

Freak flags flying and full staff 24/7
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"But you don't have to with Prime Next-Day delivery"

-Real talk though. I am just imagining the tone-deaf marketing meeting that took place to come up with this name. Like now one even hit Wiki before landing on this :lol:

We joke about Juneeeth, but if we lived in a different time I love to see the nonsense white folk come up with as marketing campaigns. The meetings I have with older white folk still be wild in 2021. I could only imagine the **** that was said in the 1980s when there were hardly any minorities in the room, and political correctness wars of the 90s haven't started yet.

Freak flags flying and full staff 24/7

I've been in those meetings and I don't understand how it could have slipped through.

Anything that even has the vaguest cultural tie is at the very LEAST getting a solid wikipedia search. :lol:

One time we debated whether using the union jack in some marketing was culturally insensitive... something like J'ouvert would have been killed early. :lol:
TBH the only way I could see this happening is MBJ is doing this independently

and hired is friends or family to do the marketing / branding. :lol:


this font and logo looks like some real;
"my cousin graduated from design school 3 months ago and she did the logo"
I've been in those meetings and I don't understand how it could have slipped through.

Anything that even has the vaguest cultural tie is at the very LEAST getting a solid wikipedia search. :lol:

One time we debated whether using the union jack in some marketing was culturally insensitive... something like J'ouvert would have been killed early. :lol:
Maybe my experience I biasing me, I used to work at a Casino company, I still consult for them. All the marketing folk at the one I worked at were in their 50s, conservative, worked for the company like 30 years, talking about how **** was better when the mob ruin things, and coming up with ad campaigns that lead into regressive tropes like they are WWE in the 90s.

They had to make sure a lawyer was in the room to kill ****.

Folk would legit ask if it was cool to advertise the new buffet getting ribs with something like "So good, even Allah would approve"
Considering how many terrible products and ridiculous marketing campaigns make it to light, it’s hard to even imagine the stuff that must get killed on a daily basis :lol: :frown:
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