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Lol. Clay Helton = Kirby Smart = Mark Richt

Kirby Smart is just Mark Richt in a visor

second2nonee second2nonee

NCAA wants to investigate the Wolverines for the dead period issue but let all this tampering skate by.

Naw, they're getting dinged for violating the coach limit rule.

They openly had that analyst on field coaching last season and even bragged about it when Nua left them, saying he was the REAL position coach.
So annoying that he and the athletic department can continue to play games like this… I hate both sides equally 😂

Is the fan base tired of the games and want him gone? I can see the act getting old after each season. Then again he’s winning so maybe you just take it with the good.

Is the fan base tired of the games and want him gone? I can see the act getting old after each season. Then again he’s winning so maybe you just take it with the good.

I don't want him gone but this is terrible. He has the two best seasons of his Michigan career and he squanders the momentum with this stuff.
Warde Manuel the AD is a complete dope… He is dragging his feet on NIL and is a cheap skate when paying coaches… No reason for a school like Michigan to be this dysfunctional but they seem to love making the athletics look that way… Jim is playing a game as well and it’s hurting recruiting as well… I’m staying off the Michigan boards until September… Can’t even imagine how they look right now 😂
Warde Manuel the AD is a complete dope… He is dragging his feet on NIL and is a cheap skate when paying coaches… No reason for a school like Michigan to be this dysfunctional but they seem to love making the athletics look that way… Jim is playing a game as well and it’s hurting recruiting as well… I’m staying off the Michigan boards until September… Can’t even imagine how they look right now 😂

Another board said there were emails sent out and you guys’ fanbase raised $8 million towards an NIL collective or something around there
Another board said there were emails sent out and you guys’ fanbase raised $8 million towards an NIL collective or something around there
New president Santa Ono can be thanked for that… Wardes hand was forced by a President that cares about the athletics being on par with other schools
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