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Apparently a Michigan staffer is telling OSU sources that they’re going to buy players to spite them :lol:

Yea he did, he was good too. O’Brien being incompetent is why he was ran off for Mike Glennon.

I remember a few years back and then some, the NFL brought up NC State as a QBU, of sorts, when for at least 1 week, 4 starting QBs hailed from NC St. (Rivers, Russ, Glennon & Brissett). :lol:

Still was kinda cool tho.
I just remembered that a poster who was in Dallas for one of the bowl games claimed they actually ran into him driving that.
99% sure he wouldn’t be up here this afternoon based on the recruiting weekend they have starting today, but I wouldn’t fault him for wanting some il Bracco on a random Friday afternoon. Should have done a MAGA hat thing and stormed around all the stores/restaurants nearby until I found him.
Does he have a good relationship with his son that he had with that basketball player? I remember there being lots of drama there.
Yeah. That's the son catching passes from him in that clip. He's also a freshman QB at Mater Dei.

That “NCAA’s desks in San Francisco” reference is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

So his solution is giving them actual contracts and free agency? Sounds like something his bosses and the NCAA would hate since they’re student athletes and not employees
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