Prime would be lucky if it were just a foot problem. Sounds like a bloodflow issue, which is probably the case and if so, he'll be dead within 10 years if he's not taking it seriously (doctors surrounding him and a piggy here and there amputation doesn't mean he's taking it seriously, but maybe only as serious as he wants to believe it).
One of the docs hinted, if not explicitly said so in that clip anyway (bloodflow related), but the way they chop up the vid is misleading and I'm certain that's more my concern. Talking about nerves like everyone knows he was one of the greatest athletes ever, so just assume he ran too much and his feet paying the price now, instead of, in actuality, the nerve issue is a symptom of a/the precursor. I hope Dieon fully realizes that he's mortal and no others see this experiencing something similar decided to disregard or illegitimize because Deion did...perceivably.