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You guys think they’re gonna treat the first round of the new playoffs like a neutral game even though it’s not ? What I mean is they gonna offer the corporate sponsors and what not the best seats? Same percent for the opposite fans as regular season?

My old college roommate is a season ticket holder. Does he get first dibs for a home playoff game In his own seats?
Looking back at the year that both of them had, it's kinda crazy that Johnny Wilson and Jayden Daniels didn't put up big numbers at ASU when they were both there
Has Ingram been on any type of show before? Someone should try to pick up Pollack. Wild to me he’s gone and Desmond is still gonna be on game day
Street & Smith 1995 College Football Yearbook V2 (C)_0001.jpg
Nah, but he’s a bright dude and full of personality. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him do well. I wasn’t crazy about Pollack *shrugs*

True. It does seem like they’ve had a good run of bringing guys in with little to no experience and it working out. I liked Pollack more so because of his insight about the actual games. I don’t think anyone on the cast really talked much X’s and O’s. Which is why I like the FOX shows more. Urban was definitely good about explaining aspects of the game in a way where regular people could understand it

And please tell me Corso isn’t going to be on air anymore :lol:
Besides Kirk and Lee they all need to go on gameday. Pollack and Desmond were great college players, but are too arrogant to like.

I think Desmond is an utter moron with his takes but every show has to have “that guy”. That’s why I was shocked they kept him

Corso needs to retire IMO, he’s up there bumbling away every week not having any clue what’s going on. It’s sad at this point
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