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Bro if he was winning 8-9 games a year they’d give him a lifetime contract. He was a repeat 3-9 coach that had one really good season in his career.

Yeah but you know as well as I do people go crazy and are ready to back up the brinks truck over that really good year these coaches have at smaller schools (for whatever reason) which is why his stock was high at that point.

I’ve always been a fan of hiring an OC/DC from a powerhouse program as your next HC. I think it’s far more impressive when they can maintain their position group at a high level while dealing with kids going to pros every year. Guys like Frost go to the G5 schools and at some point have a senior heavy team and win a bunch of games then it’s right back to 6-6, 5-7, etc. That’s not to say G5 coaches never work out at bigger jobs of course
In all reality I don’t think Nebraska is ever getting "back" and I think Frost wasn't the guy but that job is very tough. Back when they were in the Big 12 during the Pelini years they could still recruit Texas and parts of California which really helped with their results. I understood why Nebraska moved to the B1G but I always said that it would hurt their recruiting because as a CU fan it was well known that Nebraska recruited heavily in California and Texas. When they moved to the B1G I didn't quite know where they would recruit knowing that the traditional B1G schools had the Midwest locked down and tOSU was one of the few B1G teams at that time that could pull kids from California or Texas.

In short, do you guys think Nebraska is a good job? At least with USC and Miami you have a chance given the close proximity to talent.
In all reality I don’t think Nebraska is ever getting "back" and I think Frost wasn't the guy but that job is very tough. Back when they were in the Big 12 during the Pelini years they could still recruit Texas and parts of California which really helped with their results. I understood why Nebraska moved to the B1G but I always said that it would hurt their recruiting because as a CU fan it was well known that Nebraska recruited heavily in California and Texas. When they moved to the B1G I didn't quite know where they would recruit knowing that the traditional B1G schools had the Midwest locked down and tOSU was one of the few B1G teams at that time that could pull kids from California or Texas.

In short, do you guys think Nebraska is a good job? At least with USC and Miami you have a chance given the close proximity to talent.

Its a good job, imo. This thread already hit on the main issue in that the college landscape has changed. With NIL, SEC dominance, etc., they aren't getting those Texas, Florida, Cali guys. They need a big name with a resume of winning big in order to land better recruits based on credibility. That's their only chance right now. Can't risk a hire of intrigue like Chadwell or Jim Leonhard, for example.
My entire football season last 8 days.

Eight. God damned. Days. :lol: :lol:

Imma drive to Jimbo and McCarthy’s homes and toss their Christmas trees to the curb early.
My entire football season last 8 days.

Eight. God damned. Days. :lol: :lol:

And this is exactly why those fans of teams outside the SEC and such have their issues and lack of interest in CFB...

I'm a proponent of the new playoff format. PNW loves football too, ****.

1 loss shouldn't = loss of interest. And that's in general, not directed at you N41D N41D


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Yea I heard that on SZD, did Shaw bring in someone from Wake or was that change he came up with himself?

Like Richard said, I applaud him for being willing to change.
Not sure. Tavita Pritchard (of 2007 upset fame) is still their OC and Shaw doesn’t really do staff turnover so maybe it was just a scheme change based on personnel. They’ve never run that before and it seemed like an attempt to catch SC’s defense off guard.
That stage of grief huh?

I’ve been tagged with this video probably a dozen times in group texts and on other boards.

And I haven’t watched it once. Because I don’t care.

Because every A&M fan under 50 already knows these guys are idiots and need to disappear. So nobody cares what everyone’s reaction to it is, because we’ve already been there. :lol:
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