Official (3) Dallas Mavericks VS (6) Portland Trailblazers Playoff Thread: Mavs win in 6.

Its disappointing to hear this from Roy but son hasn't said anything positive at all since his decline. I agree with airblaster, he's a cancer to the team and we owe nothing to the guy. He's a baby that expects to be fed everytime he cries. I hope he can recover to the fullest but dogging his teammates and whining made me lose respect towards him.Its even worse living in a city with delusional fans that still love and worship him to death. I just hope he can shut up and improve his game before he breaks up the team. Being down 0-2 and now this...its really not looking good for Portland SMH.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

At this point, i'm glad the Blazers are handcuffed to that insane contract. They'll be nothing thanks to that dumb commitment. The red flags were there before the re-sign, and I don't feel sorry for any Blazer fans at this point. Anyone who didn't sign him was gonna get run out of town, so they did....and now you suffer the consequences. Nothing in the new CB is going to save your team, unless you steal Phoenix's training staff.
In the last CB there was an amnesty clause where any team could buy out a players contract to get rid of them, rumor is that is going to happen this year to most likely so that would give us the opportunity to dump the dude.  Paul Allen has the money to pay him so if they put that in the new CB expect B.Roy to not be a Blazer next year.  I agree with the training staff on the new GM Rich Cho has already hinted at doing a complete overhaul of it but he couldn't do anything mid season.  The Blazers have made some dumb moves the past couple seasons, sure we have had more than our share of injury problems but we used to have one of the most promising and deepest benches and now we have no bench at all.  The only successful trade this team has made in the past few years is for Wallace.  I just hope we can somehow dump Roy and get this team moving back in the right direction toward the future.

Anyways I am pretty pumped for tonights game, it is make or break at this point and the Blazers shooters need to show up.  One thing I am hoping for is that Roy doesn't play, when he was out Rudy played alot more loose and was averaging over 15pts a game, we need him to do that if we have any shot of winning these next few games.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

At this point, i'm glad the Blazers are handcuffed to that insane contract. They'll be nothing thanks to that dumb commitment. The red flags were there before the re-sign, and I don't feel sorry for any Blazer fans at this point. Anyone who didn't sign him was gonna get run out of town, so they did....and now you suffer the consequences. Nothing in the new CB is going to save your team, unless you steal Phoenix's training staff.
In the last CB there was an amnesty clause where any team could buy out a players contract to get rid of them, rumor is that is going to happen this year to most likely so that would give us the opportunity to dump the dude.  Paul Allen has the money to pay him so if they put that in the new CB expect B.Roy to not be a Blazer next year.  I agree with the training staff on the new GM Rich Cho has already hinted at doing a complete overhaul of it but he couldn't do anything mid season.  The Blazers have made some dumb moves the past couple seasons, sure we have had more than our share of injury problems but we used to have one of the most promising and deepest benches and now we have no bench at all.  The only successful trade this team has made in the past few years is for Wallace.  I just hope we can somehow dump Roy and get this team moving back in the right direction toward the future.

Anyways I am pretty pumped for tonights game, it is make or break at this point and the Blazers shooters need to show up.  One thing I am hoping for is that Roy doesn't play, when he was out Rudy played alot more loose and was averaging over 15pts a game, we need him to do that if we have any shot of winning these next few games.
Thanks Roy! 
Don't know why Haywood is so bad at FTs, even worse than Shaq. His form looks better than Shaq's, at least.
Don't know why Haywood is so bad at FTs, even worse than Shaq. His form looks better than Shaq's, at least.
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