Official 9/11 10 Year Anniversary Thread

I remember worrying about my parents since they worked in lower manhatten. They were safe though when I got home from school.
RIP to everyone that we lost.   And thank you to all of the every-day heroes that risked their lives for others.....They really need to make this a national day of mourning. 

I had late arrival to class that day, as a freshman in HS, my dad woke me up telling me that I need to get up - World War III is starting...  Gives me goosebumps thinking about that moment.   

My Aunt and Uncle were taking their son to school, in the city, that morning when the planes hit...they were 10 blocks away from the towers, everyone went to see. They ended up running from the dust when the first tower fell....Scared them so bad they moved from the city to Westchester co.
I was walking into my Spanish 1 class, remember I had just left morning breakfast talking about The Blueprint dropping that day.

Walked in class, my teacher was calm as hell. Dude in class was like "nah, that's not real? is that real? it's real!"

Principal came on the intercom talking about we weren't going to end school early. Mad parents came and picked up kids, principal got all kinds of bad reports for that day.
I remember I was getting ready for school rushing, I had the tv on the news with low volume, I remember seeing the buildings but not paying much attention to see that they were actually hit

Then when I got to to my math class and announced it, we all watched it from then on in the class. What a shocking and surreal moment

i was still living in LA back then (9th grade) and didnt truly grasp the tragedy. Was driving on the BQE over the manhattan bridge sobbing at the beautiful lights last night. anyone have a pic?

i skipped school to sleep in i was in 9th moms woke me up to tell me i was like wut? then i was like damn after watching the news
im at my office down here right by Ground Zero. i work with some people that were down here when it happened. the stories

RIP to those lost.

lets see those lights sunday night
i'm not going to repeat the same story that i've told ever year on NT but

NYC, I'm happy to see that at least some progress has been made in lower manhattan. Even though, they're not complete...I'm proud of my city.

9/11 Museum to open up next year.

Rest in peace to those lives lost on that day
checkout this anniversary video regarding WTC Building 7. someone please debunk this:
I was a youngin. I was in 4th grade. It was during gym class where we were waiting for the coach to tell us what we were going to play when he comes out and tells us what happened!
Then after, kids were getting picked up left and right. Sad sad day. The day my city burned
I remember it and as well as the following weeks/ months.

Is it true they uncovered a terrorist plot for the 10th anniversary?

Or is that just something to keep Americans on their toes?
RIP to all the victims and ther familes.

I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. It was one of the worst days of my life. I had a late arrival to schoool that day, it was my sernior year. My dad had the day off as well. I turn on the tv and see the first plane crash into the tower. I think to myself "man...the movies these days have some realistic special effects!". I then notice the Fox News Chicago logo in the corner. Me and my dad both start freaking out and look at the mayhem in horror. Even worse, my mom worked in downtown Chicago at the time, a few blocks away from the Sears Tower (which was supposed to be a target as well). My boy comes to pick me up for school and we talk about the mayhem in the car.

Walking up to the school, I spot another one of my friends and he's also shocked because he hadn't heard about it yet. I head to my locker and grab my books for second period (I didnt have to go to first period because of the late arrival). We turn on the TV in class and see the second tower hit the towers and we're all in horror. All of a sudden, the announcement comes over the PA that we must evacuate to the football field because we had a bomb threat called into the school.

Me and my friends are nervous and really think that this is the end. We crack a joke to keep our spirits up, but in the back of our heads we felt like it was the end. I'm worried because I couldn't contact my mom and didn't know if I would ever see her again. The bomb threat is discovered to be a hoax, but not until the end of the school day. I go home and my dad is taking a nap. I usually call my mom to let her know when I am home from school and safe in the house. We are really close and have a great relationship. I call and call her job but get no answer. I fear the worst because the news keeps saying "Chicago is next".

A few hours later than usual, she gets home and I give her the biggest hug in the world. But on the tv for the next few weeks, all I see is footage from 9/11. Call me what you want, but I was paranoid and felt depression from time to time. I didnt go out for a while and stayed around the house. I was faultering in my Economics class before the tragedy happened. Afterwards, I got nothing but A's. Also on 9/11, there was no crime AT ALL in the state of Illinois and crime was down so much it wasn't even funny.

So 9.11.01 is a day that I will always remember for the rest of my life.
I have mix feelings about the US having a yearly thing about this....
i was a freshman in high school
first or second week of classes
i was in us history class
they locked our school down and just turned the news on in every classroom and told us to sit till our parents came to get us
@!$% that i got up and walked home
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

I can't tell if you guys are joking about not knowing the date...


September 11, 2001

What's wrong with making the thread 2 days early? News has been talking about it for the past week. Gives us the whole weekend to talk about it/reflect.

oh im not talking about making the thread early. if you look at the posts above me there was some confusion as to the date of 9/11. that's what i was referring to.
R.I.P to everyone who lost their life that day. I cant believe its been ten years
It was right before I started school. My older brother and parents woke me up so that I could watch the news.

RIP to the people that passed away that day.
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