Official 9/11 10 Year Anniversary Thread

I was a soph in college.
Was boomin cd's and was takin the blueprint to my homeboy in the other dorm. While walking, the whole campus was like a ghost town. I get to his room, we blaze up, cut the tv on.
We flipped channels from espn to cnn, and it just happened. One of my other homies came down and was like "did yall just see that !#!!?". We all in awe like damn. I hit up moms to mk sure she was str8. We get off the phn, we blaze up again, then we watch the rest unfold. Dorm director comes on PA sayin classes canceled. We were stuck to the tv for damn. Watchin the buildings crumble, seein those people jump, etc.

RIP to those lost mane...
Its crazy watching all these names scroll across the screen. Mothers, daughters, sons, fathers, friends, etc. So young too.

R.I.P to all the innocent people that were lost that day.
I was staying at my mom's place at the time (2nd year in college) and I remember waking up and seeing my parents attention plastered to the TV. My mom was mad paranoid, not even wanting anyone to leave the house.
RIP to the people who died and peace for the relatives and friends of those lost.
For me it goes as far back as 9/10/ Dunkin Donuts were open so I couldn't get my coffee and at 1st I was like "HUH wth is goin on out here"

Then on 9/11 I was @ work reading the paper...gettin hyped bout MJ coming back to the league..and I was going to buy the "BLUEPRINT I" during lunch then all of a sudden my mgr starts laughin sayin a news copter had struck the 1st tower...she was rolling...she later took 6 months off to see a doctor cuz she was devastated at what she heard from her husband, who just so happen to work in the 83rd flr of the south tower.

As we are watching what was happening with this 1st tower...when we saw the 2nd plane hit....and I'm gonna be blunt...I DON'T EFFING CARE HOW MANY TIMES YOU SEE IT ON TV...TV DID NOT CATCH THE REALITY OF HOW HUGE THAT FIRE BALL WAS. I just yelled "OOOH %%%+".

I worked in Queens and and felt the rumble when they started to fall. My wife was forced to stay @ work cuz she was a brand new nurse at a hospital in Manhattan.

All that and said I stayed home the next day with my 2 kids and played like it was my last day on earth..just goes to show how quickly someone can be gone.

Spoiler [+]
sorry for the long read and once we found out who was "allegedly" to blame for this I realized why all those Dunkin Donuts were closed on 9/10
I was in 9th grade advisory. watch the whole thing live on TV. had one of those "this cant be life moment"
I was working a few blocks away at the NYSE the day of and experienced it all pretty much as close as possible without actually being inside the tower. Got covered in soot/debris when the first tower collapsed and watched the second fall from the Brooklyn Bridge walking home from Manhattan. I can remember EVERY second of that morning like it just happened, that day is permanently imprinted in my memories.
I was in 7th grade, even out in my school in LI you could see the thick smoke traveling....RIP to those that lost their life that day
Had a few people come up to me today and thanked me, I did the same to other Officers/Nurses. #FEELSGOODMAN 
I will never forget this day. It was the second worst fear I had after wondering how I would be as a father...

I was in 7th grade English class. My teacher was upset because my mother called her direct cell phone line. She told the teacher to tell me and my little sister to pack out stuff because we had to take my father to the airport and that he had to go directly to Washington DC. My dad was the Master Chief in Command of the Southwest Region of the Navy at the time and I had no idea what was going on. While my teacher was on the phone with my mom she turned on CNN and people saw what was going on. From that moment my teacher called the principal and allowed parents to pick their kids up early... I remember that day being confusing, wondering why my dad had to leave our family when my mom was crying, and thinking about all the messages left on our home answering machine... Its eerie to think about it now and all the aftermath. I didnt see my dad for about 6 weeks after the towers fell... Something I didnt understand for some time after the event.

Rest In Peace to all those who perished. Thank You to all our service men and women. And Thank You to all the heroes that stepped up that day. God Bless you all.
I remember being told what had happened 10 years ago like it was yesterday. The smell of the room, where everybody was sitting , and what i had in my hand.
I was in 3rd grade and had just come back from lunch. We are all waiting for the teacher to come in but she was taking longer than usual. After 5 minutes she comes in and tells us what had happened. She explained why some kid's moms picked them up early. Everybody just looked at each other and it was silent. Until a kid by the name of Dylan Mask says outloud "IT WAS THE DAMN MEXICANS". I will never forget feeling so awkward because i was one of 3 mexicans in this room. The teacher said nothing of him saying "damn" outloud.

RIP to all that moved on that day.
Can't believe it's been 10 years. Time flies.

RIP to those who died.
I was in 3rd grade, I feel lame now because at the time I didn't even really know what was going on and didn't think it was that big of a deal :/
I was going to my 6th grade class. I usually watch the news before leaving to go to school but for some reason didn't turn on the television this day. Come to school and go to the usual hangout spot where my best friend tells me about it. I was in shock and when we went to class, the television was on for the whole school day. Just watching what happened and what was happening, I was afraid of what was going to happen in the future and at a loss for words of what was happening. Will never forget that day...

RIP to all the innocent lives that were suddenly taken. Thank you to all the heroes. God Bless America. You will never be forgotten.
5th teacher walked out the room and walked back in tears. Kids started getting picked up, my grandpa came through scooped me up and I watched events unfold on CNN.

Not gonna lie I didn't comprehend the magnitude of what just happened till a few days after.

RIP to all the victims of this tragedy including the first responders. I was watching the memorial, hearing these people who lost their loved ones speak and lost it a few times. ###* is just unfair man I wish this didn't happen to our city and innocent people. But 10 years later I'm proud of how we have persevered.
I'll always remember my R train bypassing Cortlandt Street and seeing the empty station except for three people waiting for the train, obviously trying to get on and get to safety...but the train never stopped. I get off at City Hall and right when I get off, the second plane hit. From there, I ran to school and will never forget the horrors I witnessed that day. Bless all those that lost their lives and their families.

To this day, I will never forget. Those that did not see it in person do not know what it means and feels like. It can be spoken as if it were a tragedy but witnessing it has changed me and the way I live. I am grateful just for the chance at life.
I was in 6th grade when it happened. Still living in Queens. You could see the Manhattan skyline easily through the windows of the 2nd floor where my class was...

RIP to every who died today ten years ago... 
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years. I still remember waking up to my alarm clock and hearing about the first plane hitting the buildings. As a freshman in high school, my memories still are so vivid like if it was just yesterday. RIP to those lost their lives that day, later days, the wars. And my condolences to the friends and families that lost loved ones.
I was in 10th grade, waking up in the morning and turning on the tv to check the day's weather as usual, only to see footage of the planes crashing on every channel. R.I.P. to all those that died.
It was my second day of my freshman year of high school. 2nd Period.

My homeroom teacher lost her husband. 
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