AF1 IDs I made last year inspired by all of the teams Rasheed Wallace played for.

U got Hawks in there ?
How are you able to close the strap on those? Lol. When mine is closed it strangles my ankles, and I got skinny ankles! And I got these in my tts.

Only ever had 1 other mid (2014 wheats) but didn’t have a prob with those either. They’re just a ***** to put on for me but fine when I’m actually wearing them.
Release dates are so meaningless these days IMO. Every media outlet posts a different one and so many releases the past couple of years have been delayed. I share images a lot from us_11 on twitter which is just an account that posts images of upcoming shoes directly from Nike's web servers. They get here when they get here, and when they do someone usually posts the link or info then.
yeah it is weird. I have the af1 little accra pair arriving today even though they're not supposed to release for another week (I think)
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