Official Air Jordan 11/12 CDP Release post. 12/20/08! NO BUYING/SELLING!!

Resellers have killed the shoe game, also the limited releases.

What happend to the days when you could get a pair on the release date and go back a month later and grab another pair to deadstock.
called every finisline around all of them had my size they told they open at 8 am got there and they were sold out and told me they all opend at 7 am what+%%@$@%% the only thing that will make me feel better it when i go tonight before they close and beat an employes #!% when they are walking to there carFTW!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to everyone who got their pair(s). Bean23, it was fun running around this morning!
I got to Arden Mall at 4:30 there were a couple hundred people there. There were three cop cars by the font of the line I was not worried because I had mine onhold because I bought every pack from the same spot. So it's about 4:55 and security comes back to the end of the line and says line up this line forchamps this line for footlocker and so on. He handed out the cards and said go to the door. As we were walking to the door by the front of the line a fightstarts in the what was the front of the line right in front of the cops. The cops cars started to move closer to the fight and they stoped. So the people atthe back of the line get to go in. So I get to the counter and the person holding my pack says you want 2 of them since you stood in line? I say sure so I getmy to packs and then I am going to leave but they had shut the door so no more people could get in. So looking at all of the people standing at the door tryingto get in it looked like the night of the living dead! So they open the door to let the people out only if the people outside would get in 1 single line. I getout that door then am heading for the exit and the guard says don't go out this door go out the other side door because there were still a lot of pissedoff people outside that were in the front of the line but that now had become the back of the line because they wouldn't listen to the security and line upcorrectly. I am now done! Good luck to the people trying to get the pack on the restock.
Originally Posted by Nikebacksthefalcons

Resellers have killed the shoe game, also the limited releases.

What happend to the days when you could get a pair on the release date and go back a month later and grab another pair to deadstock.

I just came back from the mall, and it was kind of cold how they made people that been in the front of the line go last into the store that been waiting sincelike 10 and 11pm. I missed out on Eastbay, but i woke up at 4:00am because the mall open at 5:00am and i was all the way in the back of the line with more than200 people in front of me but i was one of the first to get in the mall to get my packs.

got my two 10.5 this morning
in and out easy cop for me even thoughthere was alot of people
now on to them Spiz'ike next week


Got to the mall super late and went to training camp, rest of the mall had sold out. They only had 6 pairs because the manager day before was sellingem..luckily got my pair. On the way out this kid who was on the footlocker line since 5:00 am tried to press me and was getting in my face so I took out mycar keys and got back in his face and he backed off. What a tool!
After having trouble with eastbay and finishline, I went ahead and went to bed, set my alarm to 3 a.m. to see if I could get a pair from ndc but I ended wakingup at 5:50
!!! I knew I was in trouble then, I went to sharpstown here in houstonbut I had arrived too late. Then I went to the galleria and stood in line ended up getting to the door and all they had was a sz.7
. Then some dude outside the galleria was trying to sell them for 450 but Irefuse to waste over 400 on this pack. It was really hectic out here in Houston. I could only imagine how it would of been had the space jams and white/ red12's released .Now I'm just waiting on Monday to see if eastbay or finisline restocks, hopefully they do and if not oh well.
just got back from copping my pack. it was crazy but i got my pair. alot of sotres were doing some shady business with holding sizes but its all good. now itsoff to the next mission. and im sure every one knows what that is
Originally Posted by 1OAKLAND ZUU

I just came back from the mall, and it was kind of cold how they made people that been in the front of the line go last into the store that been waiting since like 10 and 11pm.


half the reason the cops did that was cuz they wanted a false sense of superiority. They could have just weeded out the trouble makers but nooo DAMN EVERYONEit sounds like
Originally Posted by Cloud

Originally Posted by jretro23

got my pack easy thank you lord, just incase finishline cancels my order. champs was only 16 deep at northridge.

how many packs did they have?

only 18, everybody rushed to finish line/foot connection. i was like god damn and saw nobody at champs.
Wow, just got back home from the mall here where im at, it was the craziest i have seen it here since the red/black XII's a couple years back. Well gotthere about 4:15 me and 2 of my homies (they didnt cop, they just wanted to come with me and see how it was) and it was about 10 or 15 cars parked. Go insideand its alot of the regulars and I know most of the people.
One guy decides to write a list down to give to the security guard to make sure we stay in order. I end up being number 18 and there is only 22 pairs at thisfinishline. I feel like im good cuz no one ahead of me was wearing a 13 and even if they had sold out, champs was opening an hour later so I could just befirst in line. After we make the list the security says he cant let us stay in the mall anymore and kicks us out to wait in the cold. This sucks really bad, Ilive in northern illinois so im freezing. As we are waiting outside the only humor is in seeing people who tried to sneak in the other entrance get caught andkicked out.
Eventually we get let in and the guard says if he see anyone running he will tackle them, no one abides LOL and we go in. Luckilly the guy hands the list tothe finishline employee and he actually decides to follow it. Meanwhile I send my friends down to champs to get in line just in case. Im up at finishline andits looking shakey for me and my number 18. My friends call and say its only 5 people down at Champs. I run down there and I feel great until this old lady infront of me is buying the last 13. My face drops and I was heated. Go back up to finishline to give everyone else I know up there a report on what all they gotleft at Champs and realize that they are still following the list. I decide to stay around just to see who all gets their pair. Most of the people on the listhad went down to champs. So they get to my name early. I go in and dude tells me to sit down for a min. He calls me over and ask my size, I say 13. He responds"you are the luckiest person in this mall" , not only were they the last 13 but they were the last pair they were selling period. So after all that Iend up with them, happy. But this realease really reminded me of gettin em when I was younger. Crazy.....
i just got back from lloyd center in portland.. mad people there so i just left... i was the asian dude wearing black/red XIII's .... i hope yall getsnowed in at the mall
after the fiasco, I...

got up at 5am
made it to the spot at 6am
1st in line

back home chilling with my pack
I had a fun time waiting on line in the snow believe it or not...(parkchester bx,nyc)I was the 6th person on the line and dude in front of me passed out cuz hewas drunk.he fell face first and was laying in the snow til I helped him up!!!Lmao.he woke  and was like where am I ....I don't know how I got here...Isaid your not on line to buy the package?and he sobered  so fast and said " yea man" I got my package in a half sizebigger because the 5 dudes in front of me bought 2 size 9s and like a 7.5 , two 8.5's and wen I got in the store they only had 10.5 and  plus kid sizes.imstarting to think the staff is holding out on these......
Originally Posted by therealjondoe

after the fiasco, I...

got up at 5am
made it to the spot at 6am
1st in line

back home chilling with my pack

where did you go?????
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